62. Talking to A Friend

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"I found him on the streets." Roland says, playing with a cat as Christopher sits far away from it. Sneezing about four more times in the last minute.

"That's disgusting. I don't think KitKat likes him." Sawyer says, and I look to see KitKat, their cat that like water, hiding in a corner between Chris. Making him sneeze again.

"I couldn't just leave him. He's a Tabby and seemed so lonely."

"Yeah. And bringing him here will make it better." Reed says, rolling his eyes.

"Anyway," Roland sets the cat on his lap as he strokes its head,"why'd you invite me here again?"

"To talk to Niko on his ignorance against our parents." Reed sneers.

"Is he a homophobe?" Christopher clears his throat, and we look at him.

"He isn't. I have - had a few friends were homophobes. He isn't one." Chris clears that thought out.

"He's just very rude about Yales pregnancy and very rude to our dad. I can't tell if he's mad that his father is with our dad, or if he's just...hating on our dad. They never did have the best relationship. But I thought they got over that. Guess not."

"And...what does that have to do with me - not to be rude." Roland asks, and Sawyer sighs.

"We want you to try and convince him to meet with our dad later. We already convinced our dad, he's doing it for Yale. It's just Niko and he's so defiant and won't listen to us or Clover."

"Again. Not to be rude - but if he won't listen to Clover what makes you think he'll listen to me? We never talk."

"That's the thing. He doesn't care about your opinion because you aren't important to him. But he'll listen because it's coming from an outsiders point of view. In his crazy mind." Reed rolls his eyes, and Roland sighs.

"Why not. I support those two so I'll try and make him feel like crap. I'm good at making people feel sorry." Roland looked at Chris, Chris looking another direction like he wasn't getting looked at." Where is he?"


"Niko?" I looked, seeing Roland walking towards me as he plopped down next to me.

"What do you want?"

"I want to talk to you about Mr. Jones-."

"Eww." I fold my arms, going back to looking outside. Watching my dad argue with Mr. Jones to let him swim. But he goes on saying that he doesn't want him to hurt the twins or drown. Dumbass.

But he has on swimming shorts and no shirt on. He somehow has more abs then me... I hate him.

"Why don't you like Mr. Jones? He's so cool and nice."

"No he is not. Outside he can look all handsome and nice all he wants. But on the inside he's just trash."

I can't stand him.

"Has he done anything to make him hate you?"

"Uh, Yeah! Insulted me. Mean. Rude. Made my father love him. Mates with my father. Has children with my father. I'm related to him. And he's so freaking..." I look, seeing him look up as he taps my dad. Now they both look up and my dad looks away, Mr. Jones smiling as he looks away.

"He's very handsome." I hear from the side of my ear. Looking to Roland checking him out from the top as Mr. Jones just jumped in the water. My dad clapping as he swam to the other side then swam back to him. Coming up as he wrapped his arms around my dads waist, hugging him.

"Sure. Whatever." I mumble, Roland looking at me funny." Do you have staring issues or what-."

"Do you like Mr. Jones?"

I snort, shaking my head wildly.

"...No way in hell-!"

"You hesitated."

"Because you asked me such a random question like that! Of course I'd be hesitant to answer."

"Any person who was asked this question would've just said no."

I glare at Roland, what does he know? I never talk to him and him acting like he knows me better than I know myself is annoying the fuck out of me.


"Too late."

I fold my arms, closing my eyes as I think about Clover. She'll distract me from his stupid comments and questions.

"Whatever you have against Mr. Jones, won't be fixed unless you visit him tomorrow. To talk over the problems and try to fix them. Running from them and just insulting him is only making you look bad to your dad. Mr. Jones could care less in my opinion."

I looked at him, then immediately looked away as I heard my dad laughing the loudest I've ever heard him. I saw him in the water and being held bridal style as Mr. Jones swam with him while holding him.

"Okay..." I say, rolling my eyes at myself.

I'm not doing this for anyone but myself. I know a perfect way to make Mr. Jones feel worse and like crap for how he made me feel.


Wonder what's gonna go down.

I can only imagine all the yelling and cursing and screaming and...crying...

Well than,

What'd ya think?

What do you think will happen when it's just Niko and Edward. Alone. In a room. Talking things out?

I can only imagine. Those two are not a mix you'd put together. It's like putting Spongebob and Squidward in a room and not expecting anything bad to go down.


Luv ya!!!!!!😁😜😘

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