70. JOY

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"I am-."

"Pregnant." Reed interrupts, and I look at him with mixed emotions. His face is still and Sawyer looks at him in shock. But his eyes flip to me and look at me with shock.

"What the hell is going on? I am the only one that feels stupid right now?!" He cries, and I bite my lip as Reed is still.

"She's pregnant you idiot!" Reed hisses, and Sawyer screams. I jump as he climbs across the table onto my side, hugging me as he digs his face into my stomach.

I smile, laughing as I suddenly feel my shirt become wet as Sawyers face is digging into my shirt. Great, he's crying... I never know what to do when they cry.

"Reed?" I look up, and he's still sitting still as his eyes are looking at the table. These are two completely different reactions. Sawyers crying on my stomach and Reed is still as fuck.

"Reed?" I say again, and he is still silent and frozen.

"He's in shock." I hear Sawyer muffle on my stomach, and I look down at him." It's a good shock - trust me..." He looks up, his eyes red as his face is slick with smeared tears.

"How do you know-."

"I know my brother. I can feel it. He's happy. He's in shock. He just doesn't want to cry 'cuz he tryin' to be a man. Obviously I'm not one - Oh gosh, I'm gonna be a daddy!" He shrieks, crying back into my stomach.

I ruffle his hair, looking back up at Reed. And I almost say something in shock as he's crying into his froyo. He still isn't looking at me, but his cheeks are pink.


"Stop talking." I jump, and Sawyer looks up as he falls silent.

"Reed please-."

"If you keep talking I can't hear their heartbeats. If you stop talking I can savor the sweet sounds." His lips tremble, and he looks up at me.

I smile, and he smiles as well.

"Clover in all seriousness, I've been waiting forever for you to tell us." Reed says, and I look at him in shock. Sawyer is still crying as Reed cries as well, but is more composed.

"How long?"

"Two months ago. I heard it, it was a light sound. Sawyers stupid and doesn't pay attention to those things and if he heard it he probably put it off like some damn idiot that he is-."

"I heard it! But I thought I was crazy!" He interrupted, crying as people are staring.

"You are crazy! Crazy for not noticing and asking me."

"If you heard I didn't tell."

"'Cuz I know how to hide my shock."

I smirk, and he shakes his head.

"This time doesn't count!" He retorts, and I smile as he grabs a napkin, wiping his
face." And to think we have college soon."

"Niko will vouch for us." Sawyer mumbles on my stomach, and Reed nods.

"So..." After awhile of crying Sawyer was calmer. He still had tear streaks and looked horrible compared to Reed, but he wasn't crying so.

"So...?" I mock, and Sawyer pouts.

"It's obvious that you are pregnant-." I
gasp -."Not in a bad way! But since we know, I'm ecstatic." Sawyer clapped his hands, and Reed smiled.

"Tell me something," Reed grabbed my hands as I smiled," We are only nineteen and we aren't...the best of support systems. But we want you to know that we'll be the best fathers. Even if we are off at college, we'll still be better than any father."

"I bet."

"Seriously!" Sawyer gripped both our hands as he had on a determined expression." We'll be such good fathers that you'll never have to question what a good father is. Because we'll be standing in front of you. Looking sexy and shit."

I laugh, wondering why I ever worried. These two are the symbols of great people.

"I love you two." I say, and they both blush at the exact time.

"We love you too." They say at the same time, and pull away their hands as they both extend pinkies.

"What is this?"

"It's a pinky promise that we'll be the best fathers and never have you doubt us." They sing, and both look at one another again, nodding." We will love you to the end of the world and back. And love the hell out of our kids. No doubt about it Clo. No fucking doubt."

I feel a tear fall down my face as they said something so beautiful at the same time and didn't even stutter. I made both my hands extend a pinky as we pinky-promised.

We smile, and I know for a fact that they won't let me down.



Should I continue on? I will if you want - to celebrate 800 darn followers! Like - AWW SHUCKERS!!!!!

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Luv ya!!!!!! And all you 800 darn followers and the ones who haven't followed - I still luv ya!!!!!!!!😁😜😘🔥🦄 ( I'm jus digging this Unicorn emoji for some reason 🦄 )

My Alpha Twin Students Are My Mates [ BOOK I & II ]Where stories live. Discover now