31. One Scent

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Dedicated to @LeanzyChan, who wanted to be a character. I will make you Edwards friend. You'll be featured when I get back in the present. But you are featured here at the same time. 😁😜😘

And I want to apologize to one person in particular. @soul_reaper27? You told me what you wanted in your character and I completely PROMISE I did not see it until you mentioned something.

I promise that when we're back in the present I'll give ya a REAL cute mate. Pinky Promise! Sorry😟😔🤗

29 Years Ago... 1988
Edward Jones, 16

"I thought I liked school. But at some point the pile of homework and the girls starts to become too much for one guy to handle." I look to see Yale toss his book bag on my bed.

I sigh, holding my hand out instinctively, feeling his homework rest on my hand. I then put it on the desk next to my homework, writing an answer to 404 divided by pi.

He rested his chin on my shoulder, looking over the answers to the math homework.

"I don't get how you can do that. I only know what pie means."

"How do you spell pi Yale?" I ask, and he scoffs.

"Uh, p-i-e. Duh!" I roll my eyes at his answer, circling the actual word pi on the paper sheet.

"No. Not the actual food pie. The math equation p-i. The circumference of a circle. 3.141592654."

"I don't care." He says, and that makes me accidentally break my pencil led. And that was my last one...

"You should stop doing work for once Eddie. I mean," Yale spins my seat around, facing me towards him,"there is so many things and women out there. Instead of focusing on that-." He purposely reached across me, making his body spread across my lap as he grabbed a paper-."you should focus on something else."

"Like what Yale? You're name is literally a college I want to go to."

"Haha." He laughed sarcastically, making me roll my eyes again." Good one."

"I'm serious. And today in health class we were learning about the phenomenon of werewolf males getting pregnant. I need to do my work because I feel like school gets more interesting."

I stood, walking to my shelf as I searched for a pencil. And when I actually found one in my surprise, I turned around, seeing Yale had pulled a chair up next to mine at the desk.

I walked over, sitting down as I was able to do more math equations. Grabbing his work and solving it.

"You are very smart Eddie."

"Thank you Yale. You're smart as well, you just don't apply yourself." I say, and I look, seeing him blushing.

"You compliment people so easily... It makes me shy."

"I don't know why we've been best friends for years."

"You don't get it."

I look at him again, seeing him fold his arms. He had a frown on his face, eyes directed somewhere else.

I sighed, turning my chair and then turning his to face me. He propped his legs on mine, looking at me.

"Massage my feet for me, please." He asks, and I remove one of his shoes as I start massaging his foot.

Then there's this silence.

He looks at me, and I look at him.

But no words exchanged and I don't think there should be any...

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