59. Back to Normal...Almost

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One week later...

"Hello everybody, if you have forgotten at all, my name is-."

"Ms. Fourleaf Clover Peyton." I look, Sawyer smirking as people start laughing. I roll my eyes, nodding.

"Yeah, what he said, but without the 'Fourleaf'. Anyway, just a quick reminder of what your guys names our." Everyone went down the line as the guys did something stupid and made some girls giggle.

Then Niko stood, smirking as he seemed to be back in his-.

"Hello all you peasants. Miss the Grey? Niko Jones-Grey? Of course you did." Again, the not so surprised sighs. Except some had little sly smirks on their faces with the added Jones.

The twins hoped up, at the same time, patting Nikos shoulder.

"Reed Jones."

"Sawyer Jones. But I'm pretty sure you know us three by now."

I rolled my eyes, stepping back as I clasped my hands together. I was ready to do this.

Teaching again, happy for once to be doing something with my time and not worrying about Danny. For now.

Seeing these teens smiles and the twins looking happy to rekindle friendships. Niko talking to his posse like it was nothing.

Everyone was happy, So was I.

Not to forget that there's Roland and Christopher. Roland waving at me from the back as Christopher lays on his shoulder, half asleep.

Wonder how those two are doing. Roland seems to be happy as a girl that some would consider "popular" turns around and speaks to him. Both of them laughing as other girls look, and they start talking.

Haa, now it's time for me to do the thing I love most at my job...

"BE QUIET!" I shout, it all falling silent, the twins smirking and Niko as well.

"Now, who likes Wahunsenacawh?" I write the name on the projector board, holding the pen as I look to everyone.

"Wahun-a-whata?" Sawyer whines, pulling out his notebook and writing down the name.

"He's the dude who's daughter is a Disney princess. Pocahontas." Niko says, and Sawyer sighs.

"I thought Disney made that up-."

"No talking!" I burst purposely, and they look at me with amusement. Oh shit, their about to make this hell for me.

If I thought that was it, it has only just begun.


"Where'd you guys disappear off to? Y'all were gone for at least four months!" Christopher looks at us with wonder, and we shrug.

"Was it really four months? Felt like two weeks." Sawyer says, making Chris roll his eyes.

"Not to mention Mr. Jones is not principal anymore, but Nikos dad and your guys dad are married?!" He cries, Niko nodding hesitantly.

"Yeah, what's it to ya? My dad and their dad were best friends and mates, but hid the fact that they were for family reasons."

Chris and Roland look at one another, smiling.



"Your dads an Alpha and had children and is pregnant with more?" Roland asks, and I look at the three of them in surprise.

The twins are just as surprised, and Nikos skin becomes pale.

"Pre-pregnant?" He stutters, but the twins look ecstatic.

My Alpha Twin Students Are My Mates [ BOOK I & II ]Where stories live. Discover now