38. Forgive & Forget

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Present 🎁

"We need to talk. Somewhere without any eyes and no spying children."

"So you bring me to a restaurant? A love restaurant at that?" I look around as Eddie has his arms folded. I thought this restaurant was a perfect place to go on a date - I mean talk...

"It's not a love restaurant!"

"Then why have I seen three people here just - make that four." I blush, folding my arms as I see some people begging the waiters to sit near us.

"Okay I see what you mean...why not go to my office space?"Eddie sighs, standing as we exit the place. The office is a short walk from here so I'm guessing I'll alert the chauffeur later.

As we walk Eddie has his hands in the pockets of his pants. He runs his hand through his hair and I am mesmerized by him.

"I can't read your mind what is it?" He asks, and I look away as I was caught.

"Nothing! We need to talk."


"Stuff..." Eddie rolls his eyes and I look away. It's awkward because him and I are mates. So there's this obvious love for one another that can't be broken. It's still there...

But after everything we've both done to one another, it's different. And we haven't seen one another in almost two decades...

"The Oliver thing is out. So there's no point in talking about that..." I sniff, rubbing my nose as I smell-

"Tacos." Eddie smiles, and it brings me back to times when we were younger...

31 years ago
Yale, 15

I chew my lip, looking at Eddie as he is deep into watching TV.

He hasn't noticed that I've been staring at him...maybe this is my chance.

I creep closer to him, wanting to smell that sexy smell he gave off. As I edged closer he looked over his shoulder, eyebrows raised at how close I was.


"It's okay. So, um," he stood from his spot, stretching,"what's your mom making today?"

I narrow my eyes at him, and he looks off.

"She's making tacos-."

"Ooh I love tacos!"

"I love you."

"What?" He turned back towards me, eyebrows raised.

"Nothing... Just talking to myself..."

"Oh? I talk to myself all the time. Sometimes I consider myself my own best friend." He smiled, sitting in front of me. I was confused.

"I'm playing around. But I do talk to myself, just not out loud or people will think things."

I chuckle oddly, and he looks away.

Man I don't know how much longer I can keep this up... Loving this guy when he's so oblivious...


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