57. Talking to Strangers

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"You annoy the shit out of me and it's not even funny how old you fucking look right now in that shitty Christmas sweater in this damn blazing heat. You a fool." I growl, Danny laughing.

"You're sailor just put me on the poop deck." Danny snorts, and I roll my eyes.

Right now me and this forty year old, yeah! I put myself before him, fuck it. Me and him are walking through Barcelona, my arms folded as people obviously stare at me. But when they see who I'm standing next to their eyes scream "the fuck".

The double chin comes on a little and their eyes divert away quickly and they walk a little faster. You've seen it. We've all seen it! It's fucking awkward and hard to miss!

But this loser didn't seem to notice because he's used to it already. Well I'm not.

"When I point to someone I want you to convince, do it-."

"That makes no sense though! I don't know Spanish and these are just random people on the streets. Asking someone point blank to join a mafia group only draws attention and then with that attention draws the police. They might even run away because of your face - maybe."

Danny rolls his eyes.

"Then what am I to do? I didn't think on that until you said that. What now then?"

"Ask yourself. I'm leaving-."

"No you aren't. You and I are going to interior design stores."

I groan, remembering when dad dragged me to a designers headquarters to design my bed that was king sized. Even though I was just four...

Wonder what those two are doing anyway.

Before I knew anything of their relationship Edward treated me like shit. I hated his guts and he hated mine. But we talked over and we are all good.

Me and this loser appear in front of a Spanish furniture store, and - of course - everything's written in Spanish. Under there's English words that I can read.

"I thought you knew Spanish." Danny asks.

"I do - I mean, I did. But I forgot about it because I think it's a waste of my brain space."

He looks at me funny, then shakes his head.

"The human brain can store millions of things. And yet, you let go of something so important in your life."

"Whatever. I didn't ask for your opinion." I fold my arms, and we walk inside as this wave of cinnamon and tacos hit my face. Together it smells like shit.

I look around, seeing no modern furniture like I'm used to. Just floral patterns and old fashioned things. Who still owns a typewriter?

"This is perfect. Walk with me."

"No." I say in disgust, and he grabs my wrist as he tries pulling me to the other side with him.

"Stop making this so difficult!" He lets go and stomps his foot, walking off to his side as I went to mine.

In doing so I come across an old lady sitting on a couch. She has her hands folded across her lap and her eyes are closed. She looks like she's dead.

"Are you going to say hello or just stand there?" I jump to see her thin lips move and wrinkly face adjust as her eyes opened. It was like a horror film. Good thing some don't age. She must've gotten unlucky.

"Did I scare you lil'boy? Sit." She scooted over and patted the spot she was originally sitting in. I don't want to sit down.

But she was old and I have a weak spot to old people and their weak selves. But if someone's old and looks young as fuck - like the twins and my dads - they get no sympathy.

I sigh; sitting down to find out this couch was very comfortable. And very hot, like she's been sitting here for forever. Like she was decomposing into this couch.

"So. What is a fine young man like you doing out here in this hot weather? Don't want your skin to melt off."

"Lady it won't melt off. But I understand your metaphor. It is hot outside, but I'm not here by choice. I'm with an annoying person that forced me to come."

I look and see that Danny's old self is looking at a vase like an old person would in my opinion.

"Is it that young man?" She points towards him, making me snort.

"You think he's young?"

"Yes. I can read him from back here. He's very misunderstood, oh yessiree!" She nodded vigorously, making me raise my eyebrows.

"That old man is misunderstood. Misunderstood with craziness. He's manipulative and no one likes him and he's old lookin' and-."

"You won't get anywhere in life insulting people that's for sure. You keep that up you'll look as ugly as you are inside." She folds her arms, and I snort.


"It's true! You go on insulting that poor man, try and understand him a bit. Be his friend."


"It'll go a long way if you did that. Might even clean out any negativeness he has inside him. Because let me tell you, that boy has a funny side. Is into saying...'and stuff'?"

I laugh, nodding as Clover hates when he says that.

"Yes actually."

"See? I know my stuff. Might look old and an old, but that's the only way I can do with my little tricks. Go. Go be his friend." She started pushing in my arm and I stood, walking a little on.

"Thanks lady. For teaching me things I will probably-." I turned around, seeing she was gone. I blink, turning back forward. That's what I get to talking to strangers.

Am I crazy?

I go to Danny, grabbing a little picture art.

"What about this?" I set it in front of him, and he looks at it, nodding.

"Didn't know you had interior skills.  Might be useful after all." He says, and I roll my eyes.

"Thanks, Dan."

"It's Danny."

"Dan's better."


How was that?

Next chapter will be on Clovers POV.


Luv ya!!!!!!😁😜😘

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