39. I Need You

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"Please Eddie!! Please don't run from me any-."

I was stopped when Eddies hand covered my mouth. Tears down his face.

"Tell me one reason why I shouldn't walk out this damn door right now?" He said, and I knew this was my one chance to make this right.

"Be - because! You know what?! I don't want to forget any of this! This is great!" Eddie sneered, and started to back towards the door." This is great because we can learn from our mistakes right? We can forgive one another, but why forget any of this?

"Because if we forget it than aren't we just being weak? I don't want to forget all the things we've done. Yeah, we both did shit to jack up one another's lives, but... Wasn't it only because we were jealous? Jealous that we both thought we were happy when we both were angry that we couldn't be with one another?

"I did all this shit because I wanted to be with you! Do you think I wanted all those children? Do you think I wanted to take Zoey? I hate that bitch! And I'm sorry about your sister...but I'm not sorry about Niko. Love that kid..."

There was silence, Eddie looking at me but with no expression. It was weird to me because I can't read him...

"Is there anything else you want me to say? Because I'm out of words... And if my words weren't enough then...you can leave."

Eddie turned around and I felt my heart become crushed. I closed my eyes because I didn't want to see him disappear right before my eyes.

I waited for the door to open and close, but didn't hear anything.

Until I heard something lock.

"Who doesn't lock their doors? I don't care if you live in a 'nice neighborhood'! If you want me to hang around here, lock your damn doors!"

I opened my eyes, Eddie smiling as he pushed a chair up against the handle. Like that was going to do anything, but I see where he's coming from.

"So...does that mean..."

"My names Edward, but you can call me Eddie if you want. That's what my mom calls me anyway." I blush, remembering him saying that to me when we first met...

36 years ago...
Yale, 10

"Stop following me." I growl at the guys, and they glance at one another in panic. Like I just said we weren't friends. I don't even know these fools, and they follow me nonstop.

"But Yale! What will we do, you're so much fun and-."

"Cut the crap. I want to be alone." I walk away from them, sitting at the bench.

I have no friends. And everyone here says I'm their friend when I'm not. They hang around me so that they can seem popular. Everyone here is fake.

As I sit here a kid sits in front of me. I glare at him, expecting to hear something come on his mouth. But instead he puts a book on the table, opening it, then starts reading.

I sit there, confused.

Most people who sit here want to start a conversation with me and try and look cool. But he's just...reading.

My Alpha Twin Students Are My Mates [ BOOK I & II ]Where stories live. Discover now