5. Imprint

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Just wanted to put a pic of what Nico looked like...here ya go. I say he has Grey eyes, but really he has brown eyes... Should've mentioned that...

"Here some sweet candy for that sour face." I look up, surprised to not see the twins, but Niko instead.

"Niko why are you here? Students are off since it's-."

"Halloween I know! I have a phone on my calendar." I just stare at him, already annoyed by his attitude. I think he noticed, clearing his throat.

"Anyway... Here," he dropped a few bars of chocolate on my desk,"I took into great consideration of this chocolate. So you better eat it!"

"Okay, okay! Sheesh!" I put the bars in my desk drawer. But as soon as I look up he's still there." Yes Niko?"

"I've been meaning to ask you... Do you have a mate?"

I accidentally choke on air when I hear him ask me that question.

"That is not appropriate to ask your teacher."

"I'm a Grey, I can ask anything. So, tell me." He digs in his pocket, pulling out a small mint.

"I'm an adult, I don't have to answer your absurd questions."

"But, that's where you're wrong. You have to answer to me. I'm a Grey. My family is the Alpha of all Alphas. I can make you're life treacherous - if I wanted to," he leaned forward, grabbing my phone," But why would I want to do that?"

I stand from my seat, trying to grab my phone.

"Niko, give that back."

"Why? Are you hiding something?"

"No-" yes -"you just don't have the right to try to go through my personal things. You wouldn't like if I grabbed your phone and tried going through it."

"I wouldn't mind, if it's you. Because I don't have anything to hide."

"What..." Niko sets my phone down, and I grab it in a hurried manner, making him chuckle. He digs in his pocket, pulling out a contact lens case. When he opens it he pulls one out, putting it back in one of the spaces. Then he does the next one.

Then when he looks at me I found myself dropping my phone, stumbling back into the chair. A laugh ripples from his throat, and it reminds me of-.

"You... it's...it's you...!"

"It's me. I told you to wait, and here you go, not wearing your necklace I spent a few hundred bucks on."

Niko...is he Niko is he the guy from the other school I taught at...! What is this...?!

"Are you Niko or...or Maddox?"

Before he can answer the twins barge in the room, anger across both their faces. They hold my necklace in their hand, the heart open where you can see Maddox - Nikos picture.

Sawyer stomps towards me, grabbing my wrist as he pulls me out the classroom. I look over my shoulder, seeing Reed growling at Nico to stay away.

From there I was practically being dragged. We weren't in the school anymore, we were getting towards the gym.

"Sawyer?" Nothing." Reed?" Silent.

They pulled me into the gym closet where all the equipment was, pushing me on the wall.


My Alpha Twin Students Are My Mates [ BOOK I & II ]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora