66. "Studying"

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I sit with Reed in Study Hall, everyone already left including Sawyer who wanted to grab a surprise for Reed and I. We said we'd wait on him but it's been two hours already.

"What do you think he's doing?" I ask, Reed shaking his head as he looks at his phone.

"I can't tell. He's been gone for a while and I don't know if he's playing a joke or got caught in traffic or what. But this isn't funny. This school is creepy at night."

I nodded, happy I locked the door to my classroom as all the lights out there, were out. The only light on in this whole place was this one, and I'm considering turning it off. Just in case if something's lurking around.

"Okay he just responded, he won't be here until 10 because of a long line that he's at. He won't tell me where and it is freaking 7:34pm I just wanna go home and sleep!" Reed whined, and I sighed as I turned off the lights, turning on my flashlight on my phone as it hit the ceiling. The light spreading all around the room.

Luckily - just in case if there were tornados or storms and we couldn't leave the school - I brought blankets and pillows. I pulled out the biggest one and a pillow from the closet.

"Why do you have that? Were you planning on sleeping here when bored?"

"No - but that's tempting. It's for situations like this. And you are tired. So why not lay down a blanket," I laid it on the carpeted area of the floor,"wrap ourselves up in it,"I laid down and he laid down next to me as he grabbed one end and I grabbed the other,"then sleep."

"Nice." He starts turning as he gets wrapped in the blanket, but I just pull it until it covers me.

We end up facing one another, looking into one another's eyes. I almost forgot how pretty his eyes were...

"I feel like this was planned." He suddenly said, and I thought on his words.

Sawyer could've planned for us to be stuck in this room - by ourselves - on purpose. But what does that have anything to do with him? How does that benefit him in any way?

"I don't know. He could've... But for what purpose?"

"No idea." He said, and I jolted when I suddenly heard thunder." This is some cheesy shit. Except we are in a classroom - wait no that's expected... I'm digging this."

Now silence fills around as we only hear the sounds of rain hitting the ceiling. Reeds eyes are closed and I am thinking about doing the same. But...

"Do you need to study?" I ask, and his eyes fly open as he smirks.

"Finals are coming up... I didn't really think on studying because I think I'm pretty smart... Okay." He sat up as he reached over and grabbed his book bag.

I watched as he pulled out a book, and I looked-

"Eww! Shakespeare?" I accidentally say, and he gasps in a dramatic way, laying it down.

"Shakespeare is a one of a kind art. Just from your reaction, something tells me you don't know lots about it."

"I do...but I was lucky enough to ease past it in my Finals. Like Romeo and Juliet."

"Right on!" He skimmed through the pages and passed me a script. Hamlet. I sucked at this in foreshadowing.

"I'm going to do the part of Scene 3 Enter King two of three." He cleared his throat. And I looked at the script as he began reciting the script.

I was taken aback that he knew this whole paragraph. And he's saying it in this strong British accent that I seem to find endearing.

When he pauses he looks at me. And I raise my eyebrows, waiting.

"Your turn."

"I'm speaking too?"

"Yep. Go on."

I sighed. Looking. This Rosencrantz person I'm acting.

"Where the dead body is bestowed, my lord, we cannot get from him."

"Where is he?" Reed asks, and I shrug."It's in the script." He whispers.

I nod, going back.

"Without, my lord; guarded, to know your pleasure."

"Bring him before us." Reed sits up straight, eyes piercing at me to continue.

"Ho! Bring in the lord!" I roll my eyes, seeing another part as Reed inhaled." They enter [ with Hamlet ]-."

"You don't read that part!" Reed yells, accidentally sounding British.

"Do you think I care? I don't like Shakespeare!"

"You should."

"I never will. I'm done." I close the book and Reed rolls his eyes, taking it from me.

"Well, that's all I needed to study. So...what now?"

I shrug, thinking on if this was Sawyer and Reed wasn't so damn shy.

"We can 'study'."

"We just did. And you abruptly stopped it-."

"No!" I grab his hand as I pull closer to him, smirking." We can 'study'." I say this time, making it more obvious. And his face turns crimson as ever.


"Really." I cradle his cheek as I press my lips on his, not surprised by how hot his cheek was.

He always give off this hard exterior and he's calm and blunt, but he can barely keep himself together.

"Can I?" He mumbles, and I look as his hands are shaking near my waist.

"Yeah! You don't need to-."

"Thank goodness!" He gripped my hips as he pulled me on his lap, and I expected something worse. Like if it was Sawyer he'd be grinding on me or something.

But Reed just left me here. Hugging me as I sat still.

We kissed slowly, nothing too sexual about what was going on. Feeling his hands run over my back soothingly, and I had my fingers tangled in his hair.

"I've been thinking." He suddenly says, and I look at him as he grins.


"Sawyer told me that dream. And I know for a fact that if you were to get pregnant - at all - I wouldn't care who's it is. We love you to the bottom of our hearts and I would be fine with anything. But it would be amazing if we had children with both our genes. Anything's fine with me."

I smile, and we hug as we just sit there. Listening to the rain in peace, not talking much. Just quiet.

"You gonna sleep?"

"I will if you will." He says, and I sigh.

"Yes I'm sleeping." I say. And I close my eyes as I let the rain take me into a dream.


I was thinking.

Should I make a book with just Yale x Edward when I finish this one? Or do it now?


I don't know.


Never know.


Luv ya!!!!!😁😜😘

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