10. Niko x Me

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"I'm scared." Niko sat still in the car, looking dapper in his clothing choice.

"Don't be. Besides, you look really nice. Didn't think you'd get all dolled up for a girl like me." I smile at him, stopping at a light.

"Of course. Since I'm a Grey I had my stylists style me the best for today. I need to look good for you no matter what the environment. I'd wear a suit to an amusement park with you."

"You know what? I believe you." Niko unbuttons his coat, then buttons it up again. Doing the same action a couple more times.

"Niko! Calm down! Why are so nervous? This is unlike you." I start driving again, Niko smacking his cheek over and over again.

"My dad isn't such a religious person, yet he's a Christian. I am as well, but we've never gone to church - at least while I was alive. So, I don't know if I have to act a certain way or be myself or - am I wearing the correct clothes? Wait! Did I need to bring a Bible because, I don't have one-."

"It's okay!" I interrupt, reaching for his hand, squeezing it." It's a church that accepts anyone that walks through that church. Flaws and all. Bible in hand or not in hand. You won't be judged. Just be you. Then, everything will be good. Trust me. Do you trust me?"

Niko licked his lips, looking at me softly.

"I do trust you. I trust you so much that I am afraid that you're not even real. But you are...right...here. In front of me... Ugh, I feel like a wuss right now..." He throws his hand over his face that started to become red. His hand I was holding became clammy, but I wasn't grossed out. It was cute. 

Today it's him and I on our date, and he's coming to church with me. He's never been to church, so today, I will provide him the time to break that. And what a good way to start off at this church?

"We're here." I say, Nikos hand coming off his face, pulling his hand out mine.

"I can't..." His hands cover his eyes, and it saddens me to see him so afraid to go inside.

I get out the car, walking around to the other side. I see some people I know, waving.

I open his side, seeing him tremble in fear of going inside.

"Niko..." I crouch down, even bought I'm in this dress I don't care at this point." Niko it's going to be fine. You said you trusted me right? Trust me on this."

"I do trust you I really do. But it's my sins and wrongdoings... I've never been baptized and I can't tell you one segment of the Bible..."

"Okay...there's the Old Testament and the New Testament...and it's not segments, its chapters-."

"See! I'm gonna make a fool of myself in there! Just go in there without me. I'll wait in here and after that I'll drive you to Rodeo Drive-."

"No! Niko! Come on! In church, you aren't hated or judged for your sins and wrongdoings. You embrace them, admit that they were wrong and so forth, then you keep moving. In a church, God will be with you every step of the way. And if you need someone to talk too, he's there. And you can pray as well. I'll pray with you if you want me too."

Niko shifted in his seat, looking at me quietly.

"I believe you."

"Then get out."

"No. I told you once and I'm not afraid to tell you again, go in there without-."

I leaned forward, interrupting him by kissing him. Pulling away, adding a soft kiss on the cheek.

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