58. F*ck This!

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"I'm sick of his face controlling our very lives because we thought we could have fun... Exploring that building and running off like children when we should've stuck with you." Sawyer sighs, folding his arms as we walk on the beach.

"This isn't your fault-."

"It is. We both acted like children, you don't need to try and tell us different. We've grown up exterior wise, interior is as mature as a ten year old." Reed says, holding onto his hair and tugging by the roots.

"It happened, and we can't change how it happened. Because it probably would've happened at some time, maybe even at the wedding. This timing was much better for everyone."

"You're just saying that. I...I want to go back to high school." Sawyer whispers, and I look, seeing his eyes were slightly glossy.

Reed looked at him, biting his lip as he looked at the ground. Kicking up sand.

"This isn't fair that our dads are putting this on us. We haven't graduated. We look like dropouts. And I kinda have always wanted to go to college. Harvard even. We were going places." Reed glanced down at me, and I felt bad.

"What are you going to do...? There's your guys mafias. Then there's the U.S. and high school. But there's also Danny and his plan-."

"Fuck this!!" Reed bursts, and I look at him in shock. Sawyer looking at him too, but not showing any sign of surprise. Like he's used to these outbursts.

"Fuck what?" Sawyer says numbly.

"Fuck Danny! I think that guy forgot that we have a say on what we do. We've been going along with his bull because we forgot that we have our own choices! We don't need to listen to him! Especially since he told me how to remove the thing from your neck."

I gasp, Sawyer gasping too as he grabs Reed by the shoulders, shaking him.

"Are you serious?"

"As serious as our twin dicks."

Sawyer smiles, nodding wildly.

"You're fucking serious!! This is gold!! Removing that chip will solve everything!! Because tonight, we are going back to the U.S.of A!!"

He waves his arms around wildly, dancing - I think. He dances just as bad as Edward did at the wedding.

"How will we get back?" I ask.

"By the same thing that brought us here. A jet. The jet is still here because once it dropped off our dads, it came back. We can just ask the pilot to come in early and take us there."

"And once we are back we go back to school, we get your job back, and everything's perfect! Especially since Niko will be there, and since he's a Grey and all-."

"Jones-Grey." Reed corrected.

"Yeah that, then they'll definitely let us back in."

"I'll call the pilot ahead of time and get Niko. You guys pack up your stuff and Sawyer pack mine for me. Meet us at the plane one hour before seven." Reed pulled out his phone and typed something in, once it was at his ear he started jogging off.

I looked to Sawyer, a big smile appearing on his face.

"Is it over?" I ask, and he starts laughing.

"Of course it's not over! It's only getting started. We have just started our own new game and Danny will have to play with our rules. Isn't that fantastic!" He gushed, and he ran at me as we hugged. 

I haven't hugged one of them in awhile in my opinion.

As we hug I feel myself relax into him, hearing him sigh into my neck.

"This is nice. Hugging my mate." He murmurs, and I smile.

"Yeah...and we can go back to high school and I can be the teacher I was meant to be."

"And I can be the Senior I was meant to be and graduate. Make something of myself. Once I do, Reed and I will go off to college,"he pulls away, and smiles at me," We both know that Yale and my dad are going to have children. I wouldn't be surprised if Yale came back with a baby sleeping in his arms...

"What about the three of us? Have you ever wanted children? Reed and I have...it wouldn't be bad if you carried our children."

I looked at him, surprised we were having a serious conversation without him on the verge of laughing.

"Most eighteen year old guys don't want kids so early in their life. It's the start of college, times where you sleep around, go to FRAT parties and getting drunk, not having anything tying them down-."

"I don't think you've grasped this yet about Reed and I,"he grabbed my hands, holding them as he looked in my eyes," Reed and I aren't like most eighteen year old guys. We've thought about it, we just don't speak on it. But we want kids with you."

I can feel myself blushing, but I pull it together.

"I don't know."

"It's fine. We don't want to rush anything. We've only known you for...maybe a few months. Maybe for as long as you've known Niko."

I think on it, realizing that I met them last August. Now it's near summer. I have known these two for quite awhile, as long as Niko even.

We begin walking back, and by the time we get off the sand I glance at Sawyer.

"Thank you." I say, and he looks at me.

"For what? I haven't bought you anything or fucked you yet." I shove him off to the side, making him laugh as we have to stop at a light.

"For somehow changing me into a stronger person? Reed and you. You both never gave up on me despite how bitchy I have been-."

"No comment."

"And staying by my side. And for that," I lean towards Sawyer and he starts smirking. And I wasn't surprised this time to feel him cradle my cheek as we kissed.

The kiss was slow, and when we pulled away he was pink all over.

"Thank you."

"Fuck this!!" He bursts like Reed did, attracting eyes.

"We are getting out of Barcelona and goin back home! And then, all three of us will get rowdy," I roll my eyes,"we don't even live in Texas nor do I have a horse - wait yes I do." He looks at me, and I snort.

"In your dreams."

"You're right."

🐴 *story time*

"Have you ever felt like girls are like horses for men? No wonder cowboys are experts at riding horses! Because they always RIDING away on their women!"


My boyfriend said my ex, that I haven't seen since the beginning of summer since he graduated, said this crap. Yet...

I kinda laughed because it reminded me why I left his ass.

But still, I guess it's a ********** thing.

I'll let you in on a secret of mine...I've had boyfriends before and kinda judged on this...

I've never dated a black guy despite being black myself.



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Luv ya!!!!!!😁😜😘

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