Chapter 28

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Hoseok's POV 

" Wae ? Do You Think ?......Someone did this to her ?" 

I asked as I followed his gaze , he was looking damn serious . No doubt it was a bit strange for the Princess to drown herself in the bath pool . Besides she used it this long , can't deny but something was really fishy . Before I could ask Jungkook anything , he ran towards the bath house of Hanuel . I was curious about his sudden move , so I decided to follow him . 

" What's wrong ? What's bothering you ?" 

" Hyung ? My heart can't accept the fact that it was just an accident ......I'm suspicious .....this pool....why it looks a bit different than that of other pools in the palace ?" He questioned and made his way towards the stairs of the pool . He's eyes widen making me run towards him . 

" Wae ? What's wrong ?" I asked eyeing the pool and then Jungkook , he gulped and slowly opened his top and jumped in the pool without even answering my question . " Jungkook ? " 

I looked here and there , of course something was wrong but what ? 

Jungkook's POV 

Suspicious . 

The whole pool was something different or you can say more green than that of other pools . I sensed a high source of power illuminating from the pool . There was something that made me attract towards the pool . I opened my loose shirt and jumped in the pool . I swam towards a dark object at the bottom of the pool . There was a foul smell as I swam deeper and closer towards the object . My eyes widen as I saw some green tentacle like structures disappearing in the box .  

A box ? But It's not just a normal box.....but an enchanted one . 

Author's POV 

Jungkook touched the box and the box glowed in the shade of bright blue  . He grabbed the box and swam up , back to Hoseok who was pacing to and fro , worried about his brother - in -law . 

As soon as Jungkook popped out of the pool , Hoseok helped him to get out

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As soon as Jungkook popped out of the pool , Hoseok helped him to get out . But what made him curious was the blue box beside him . " What's that ? " He asked making Jungkook frown a bit glancing at the box . " It's not a property of Jung family ......It's not familiar to me . Who's box is this ?" Hoseok slowly placed his hand on the box but this time it didn't glowed . " Huh ?" 

" Hyung ? Why It didn't glow ? Like it glowed when I touched It the first time ?" Jungkook tilt his head and touched the azure colored box . " Ahh...." He pulled his hand away as the box gave him a mild shock . " It...." Hoseok shook his head and picked it up . " When I was underwater , It didn't gave any shock but just glowed unlike now .....It not only glowed but also gave me shock . How ?" 

" We need to meet Royal Oracle , I don't know why it's treating us differently but it's something related to Hanuel's accident . It's not an ordinary box after all . " Hoseok mumbled as his green eyes scanned the beautiful box . He glanced at Jungkook . " You stay with Hanuel ......and meet me in my room after dinner .....we need to talk ." Jungkook bowed gently . Hoseok nodded and stormed out of the bath house .

Jungkook put on his silk shirt and turned to the pond , it was back to it's normal color . He sighed and walked back to Hanuel . The Royal Doctor got up and bowed at the Royal couple who were waiting for their daughter to wake up . " Your Majesty ? Her Majesty ......" Jungkook bowed at elders and stood beside them . 

" Where's Hoseok ?" Queen asked as her eyes landed on Jungkook . " We thought he was here ..."

" Nae , Hyung was here a while ago but he went to the royal oracle to investigate something . How's Princess ?" Jungkook asked . The King sighed shaking his head . Jungkook was already worried . He peeked through the curtain .

" Your Majesty ? She's fine ......Just let her rest , her heart beat is normal now and I fed her some magic herbs which made her puke all the water that entered when she drowned . She'll woke up by tomorrow ." The doctor bowed , King handed him a pouch of gold coins . " Thank you Your Highness . Anneyong ." He walked out . 

Yoona who was now sitting beside Hanuel sighed . " Is this all my fault ? Why I let her alone ......Now Hoseok hates me ....." She let out a deep sigh . Queen ran to her unconscious daughter . " Her Majesty ? Please calm down ..."

" Yoona ? You tried to heal her ?" She asked as she sat beside Hanuel's bed and hold her hand . Yoona nodded . " Aren't you best in healing , In whole Asylvia .......?" Yoona looked at her feet not knowing what to say . " There's just 2 weeks left for her birthday ......I hope she wake up by tomorrow . This girl really makes her mom worried ." 

" Queen Jung  ? She'll be fine , don't worry ." King assured making Queen get up . " Let's prepare for the court , we can't let Asylvians worry and let them know about this . If this news will be rumored out ......I'll execute everyone's head in this room ." He glared at the maids and walked out with the Queen . Jungkook sat and hold Hanuel's hand tightly . 

" Please wake up soon jagi , Don't make your husband worry ....." 

*********End Of Chapter 28 

Hehehe so cheesy LOL 


Thanks For Reading , See You Later In Next Chapter ^ ^ 

- Charil Meng . 

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