Chapter 68

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Ara's POV 

First of all .....they planned my wedding without informing me and secondly there's a celebration in whole Asylvia because we won over Zoba and lastly .....WHY I HAVE TO LOSE MY FUCKIN VIRGINITY TO THE REDHEAD ??? 

" How about this princess ? It's red and as you'll get married soon .....It will be auspicious you know ?" Yoona smiled but I was not at all interested in marrying that Hemelian guy . Being in forced marriage sucks . Even a powerful princess like me can't control my own life and marry the person I love . 

And who made this rule that you have to lose virginity .....I mean seriously ? Ughhhh.....

Yoona helped me and changed my outfits into this : 

Yoona helped me and changed my outfits into this : 

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She combed my hair and did make up . After getting fully ready we both walked out of my chamber . I glanced at her who smiling to herself , wait......Is she planning to set me with Jungkook ? Because that won't happen ......not at all .... I love Taehyung ....although I'm trying to adjust but falling for that red head is like seeing pigs fly . 

I hate him . I hate that red head . What I even did to have him in my life . But he's really a loyal and kind person ......somewhere I was glad that he selflessly stood beside me and fought for me . But Taehyung also did that . But to see .....Taehyung is my best friend while Jungkook is just a stranger whom I knew for just a month or two .

Taehyung lied me , hid his true face , acted dumb where as Jungkook always tailed me like an open book . But still.....I ....never felt ...that .....I never felt like dating him . Ughhhh.....I can't love him , I love Tae and love can't happen twice . It just can't - 

" Are you even listening ?" Yoona yelled making me halt on my way and gaze at her confused . " Hana-ah ? I called you so many times !! Jungkook must be waiting for us , let's pace faster Princess ." She chimed making me more suspicious . What she's even planning ? 

We took the imperial dragon carriage , I sighed looking out of the window . As the castle was on the mountain , the road was steep . I smiled seeing the lights and city beaming with happiness , but then I remembered what Aubrielle said . I don't know what gonna happen but I'm really scared about it . 

The curse .....

We reached the central market area where all were celebrating with crackers , candles and lighting lanterns

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We reached the central market area where all were celebrating with crackers , candles and lighting lanterns . The scene was really romantic . I wished Taehyung to be by my side and enjoy this breath taking view . But I guess that will always remain a wish ......

A wish and a curse are both magical and yet so different from eachother . They both can change someone's life and flip it upside down but yet ......when a wish is fulfilled people gets over joyed and celebrates it , feel blessed but when a person gets cursed , he cusses his life and loathe his fate . Yet ......both of them have something good and bad effects .......the observer have to think it as what he wants to see it as . 

A curse or a wish . 

I took a deep breath before stepping down the carriage , the whole city started hailing for me and Asylvia . I was about to walk but stumbled and was about to fall but someone caught me . " Oh...Ah...Thanks ." I smiled but I was froze to see ......" J-Jungkook ?" 

My eyes widen seeing him .....not him but he's red....I mean black hair ????  

He cleared his throat and snapped me out of my thoughts

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He cleared his throat and snapped me out of my thoughts . " Will you stop staring at me and compliment your future hubby a bit make him sure that his beautiful wife is happy by the changes ." He wiggled his brows making me nod . But when I realized I nodded , I shook my head immediately . " Hahahaha.....Pabo ." 

He loosened his grip around my waist and helped me to stand straight . I was still confused that he really dyed his hair just for me ? Or he's bad taste in hair color changed under my fashionista influence ? 

" Wow....Kookie ? You are so romantic huh ? " Yoona nudged him making him blush and flashed his cute bunny teeth . Wait cute ? Looks like my mind is not stable . I face palmed and turned to see him staring at me . 

No.....I don't know if I was hallucinating or seeing things but he was there , smiling at me . He's red hair highlighting among the black ones . I smiled and was about to step towards him but someone pulled him into a tight hug before I could approach him . He smiled at her and they started talking . 

The way he looked at her ......he always looked at me in that way , like he lived to see the world in my eyes , like his last wish will be to drown in them but .....why he's treating someone else like that ? My heart clenched and I felt suffocating . And I knew what that feeling was .......

Jealousy . Pain . Agony . 

They walked away from my eye sight leaving me heart broken , confused and froze at my place . I balled my fist and turned to see Jungkook surrounded by a group of girls , an evident blush crept on his face and he was all red like tomato . He's such a fuckin PLAYBOY !!! 

" Wah oppa you are so handsome ~ "

 " Oppa Saranghae !! " 

" Oppa if you are tired , tell us okay ?"

 " Oppa you looked hot in red hair ~~ "

 " Oppa , can you enjoy the celebration with us ?" 

" Ah hahaha....well.....If I'll be free....and you all are older than me....haha....I'm not your Oppa ." He smiled embarrassed  . Jerk . 

I walked towards him and stopped just a few steps away from him . " You.....You said you wanna know me more and enjoy tonight with me right ? " I asked him , my eyes never leaving his brown orbs . He gulped and scratched his nape nodding . " Let's go then it a date ." I turned to leave but he stopped me grabbing my wrist . 

" But I hate me .....why suddenly you wanna - " I took a deep breathe and placed his hand from wrist to my palm and smiled before intertwining our fingers . He's mouth opened azar seeing me moving close to him . I smirked and started walking with him . I smiled and turned to him . 

" Nah Jungkook .....hate is too heavy word for me .......besides every positive changes aren't positive in the beginning ." 

*************End Of Chapter 68 

Thanks For Reading . See You Later In Next Chapter ^ ^ 

- Charil Meng . 

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