Chapter 48

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Author's POV 

Aubrielle glared at Zoba who smirked while staring at Taehyung's head , blood dripping down it slowly . " Why you lied to her ? What was that for Zoba ?" Aubrielle yelled at Zoba who gazed at her . She squirmed in order to free herself but the enchanted chains were made by Zoba's dark arts and he's magic weren't that easy to break . He laughed while walking deliberately towards the old lady . Zoba hated when people question him . 

Zoba gestured two of his men to forcefully feed the unconscious Princess the potion . He can't take risk when he's so close to his fate , fate to be the ruler of Asylvia . The creatures fed her the potion ignoring Aubrielle's protests . 

He grabbed a fistful of Aubrielle's grey hair and glared the elderly lady . " How dare you to question me ? Lie huh ? So you sensed that this wasn't her bestfriend's head ? Great sintag- ssi ......since when your powers started working hmm ?" He threw her away making her collide with the stony wall of the cave . " If you wanna survive better seal your filthy lips , don't worry I'll surely kill you after destroying the Jung family ." He cackled and walked upstairs with his men . The head on the plate turned into a pig's head . 

Aubrielle was sure that It was fake and Zoba spelled the pig's head so that Ara can freak out and faint which will make easy for him to feed Ara the love potion . Ara who was on the cold stone floor whimpered and slowly opened her eyes , her head was drumming while her face was bruised by the monsters . She scrunched her nose as she felt something sweet smoky flavor lingering in her palate . She tried to get up but due to weakness she fall back . 

" Hanuel-ah ? Gwenchana ? " Aubrielle asked as she noticed Ara moving a bit . Ara smiled weakly and laid on the floor breathing heavily . Princess Hanuel's body was weak and was in first stage of Hypothermia , her body was shivering and the cave was cold which was like a catalytic agent to her condition . Aubrielle sensed that Ara's body temperature was fluctuating and continuously decreasing . Ara was hardly able to open her eyes . " No........D-don't shut your eyes !! Try to open it .......don't close your eyes Princess !! "

Aubrielle fall on her chest and started to crawl towards Ara who was coughing badly . Her body never suffered such conditions and due to harsh treatment It was slowly dragging her towards danger . Aubrielle sighed as she finally reached near Ara . " Princess ? Ireona ......Taehyung is alive......he'll come to save you.....please don't let your hopes die . Only a day left .....please have believe in your loved ones....."

" Ahh...Ajhuma.......I can't feel my fingers and toes nose is all blocked .....I can't b-breath properly ." She managed to whisper , " My body is aching ........Zoba killed Taehyung ......I don't want others to die like him.......I can't risk their lives ......If I can kill myself - " Ara got interrupted by Aubrielle .

" Shut It !! You will not die ......You can't die .......only you can stop Zoba ......If you'll die ? It'll not change his mind , he'll kill all the Jung family and also take the throne .....but If you'll be alive , there's still chances that you can defeat him besides Taehyung-ssi is not dead ......That bastard lied ." Aubrielle eyed at the dead pig's head making Princess snap her head towards It . 

" Huh ? T-Taehyung......he....he's alive ? Taehyung is alive !! Thank god ,.......I was so scared ." She started sobbing as she realized that Zoba tricked her , " I don't want them to come for my rescue.....Asylvia needs them and Taehyung is still a lower grade trainee .  But why Zoba did that ? I mean......why he lied to me ?" Ara asked confused , her heart was thumping slowly in her chest which made Aubrielle worry . Her eyes filled with tears to see the young princess in pain . 

" He......He made you drink the love potion .......tomorrow he'll feed you two more ......then ..." Aubrielle stopped talking and sighed , " You can't die Princess .......the whole Jung family is waiting for you , the whole Asylvia is waiting for you .......for their powerful heir , If you'll not fight to survive then how they will ? Don't forget .....that your birthday is like a lock and the kiss is like the key to unlock your hidden powers , when you were cursed ........I foretell that you'll become the most powerful entity among all the mana bearers'll rule Asylvia ." 

Ara blinked as she looked up at Aubrielle , Ara's face was pale blue and her lips were already looking like a frozen cherry . Her eyes were devoid of any emotion as If they were hollow . " What does that mean ? My powers are still within me ......and after drinking this fucking love potion matter who will kiss me , I will gain my powers and then Zoba will suck all my mana and kill me , ultimately I'll die either by Zoba or freezing in this cave I right ?" Ara asked as she balled her fist and used all her powers to get up on her feet . She slipped few times but still she managed to stand . 

Aubrielle's lips curved to smile when Ara turned to her with a smirk , " Then if I gonna die by hook or crook.......I'll fight , a Jung blood should die while fighting .......I belong from a royal family , a family full of warriors , my mom and all my friends .....I'll make them feel proud ." Ara stared at her chains and smirked , " Zoba oppa.......I won't be defeated so easily ."

" That's like a true Asylvian Princess ." Aubrielle smiled and leaned on the wall , her wrinkly face charmed out because of the genuine smile on her lips . She gulped and stared at the Princess who was glowing in the dark cave , her positivity , her kindness and will to survive made her stand out . 

" If ......If he wants to start this fucking Blood War ? Then.......let's get started ." 

**************End Of Chapter 48 

Thanks For Reading . See You Later In Next Chapter . 

- Charil Meng . 

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