Chapter 49

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Author's POV 

Taehyung's eyes turned back to normal , he flipped his blue hair and smirked at the weak devastated figure on the ground , bleeding heavily and trying to breathe . The woman looked up and smirked before burning into ashes ." You are quite weak .......It hurts my self worth when I fight with weaklings ." Taehyung dusted his outfit and looked at the creatures bowing at him , " Finally ......Anneyong ." He jumped on his horse and started riding towards the city of Illaria . He knew that Zoba's creatures will be waiting for him but his urge to save his love made him move forward . 

Ara , who was now feeling much better was busy planning how to get away from those filthy chains . Aubrielle smirked seeing the younger female pacing here and there . " Idea !! " Ara chimed and turned with a bright smile on her face , her brown eyes sparkled making Aubrielle's heart feel with warmth . " I'll ask - " Before she could share her idea , she heard the brisk footsteps coming downstairs . Ara ran to her position and laid on the floor . 

" Aish......why she's still unconscious ?" Zoba asked eyeing Ara's worn out figure but little did he knew he's so called little sister was planning something so that she can free herself ? Ara looked at Zoba who was staring at her already , " Ahh Haaa......Princess ? How was your sleep ?" He asked as he kneeled to her eye level . Ara scoffed and looked away . 

" That's none of your business ." She sat there with an evident frown on her face totally showing the hatred she was raising against him . " Release me......I need to pee ." She mumbled , hoping that he'll let her go but Zoba just laughed and sat on the throne . 

" Wae ? Wanna escape ? " Zoba asked as he gazed at his step sister , he's azure eyes glowing while the cold gaze piercing down her soul . Ara bit her lips and shook her head . " Fine.....Fine ..." He clapped his hand making some of his dark spell enchanted spirit servants appear . But what shocked Ara and Aubrielle was that the servants were wearing mask and black robe . " C'mon take her ." He ordered making the other bow . 

Ara got up , completely pissed by being treated as a prisoner . She frowned and followed the servant who freed her and carried her out . " C'mon put me down you asshole ." She kicked him and jumped down . " Just turn around ." She ordered and walked in the bushes . The servant bowed and turned . Ara was feeling her body itchy , staying locked for days without proper bath or hygiene . She never thought she'll end up like this and now she was honestly praying , so that she can return back to her own world . 

After doing her stuff , she walked out silently trying to sneak away but the servant was fast , he grabbed her wrist and pushed her on the ground . " Owww.....what the fu-.." She stopped cussing and started yelling when the servant flipped her on his shoulder and carried back to the cave . " Leave me !! Yahhh just let bastard ...." She got dumped in front of Zoba . 

" Well ......Well......Well.....were you trying to sneak away hmm ?" He asked while grabbing Ara's face harshly , " My dogs are very faithful ........what were even thinking Princess ? Your death is fixed and the whole forest is enchanted can get lost in this maze but you can't escape from my clutch ." A dry chuckle erupted from his throat as he threw her away . Ara winced and looked at him .

" You are just an asshole Zoba !! " She screamed and crouched on the floor while hugging her knees . " I don't wanna die.......not now ." She whispered , tears rolled down her eyes which made Zoba's heart clench . He gulped and walked upstairs with his men following him . Ara sighed , she was so tired even to move . Her body was aching and was now looking pale , Zoba was indeed heartless but Ara was still hoping to change him . 

She smiled at her hands which were now free from those enchanted chains but from now Zoba will surely keep an eye on her and won't let her out that easily . 

Namjoon's POV 

I was worried about Taehyung , It was 2 days since he left for searching Hanuel . It's hard for me to hold Jungkook who also wants to go there . Zoba is really a clever man , the way he let Hanuel's doppelganger walk through Asylvia made me sure that he also have someone in our Army .....but accusing someone without any prior proof I can't interrogate my men ......Huh ? I narrowed my brows as I saw a silhouette walking secretly out of the Palace , It was already midnight ....

Is that Zoba's follower ? 

I grabbed my scabbard and dashed out of the Palace following the man , It was strictly forbidden to leave the Palace , what came up that this guard is sneaking out like this ? I pulled out my sword and started following the traitor , I hid in the dark and saw him mounting on his horse , so he planned all this from earlier and tied his horse here . Good but not better than me . Before he could ride away , I pulled him making him fall directly on his butt . " Mind to tell me where you are upto ?" I asked with stern face .

He smirked and pulled out his sword but I was fast to block his strike . I smirked and kicked on his face . " Don't think you can act like your master , YOU TRAITOR !! " I jumped on his chest and made him unconscious by knocking him off by the blunt end of my sword . He collapsed and fall on the ground . " Sad........Zoba just got a weakling in his hand ." I smiled and placed the sword back but my eyes popped out as the guards body vanished just infront of my eyes .

" Ah Hahahaha ......sorry to say but you got the wrong man or say......dark spirits . By now.....the whole castle is replaced by those spirits .......what will you do now ? Kim Namjoon ." The voice spoke . I turned but before I could see the person , I got knocked off by him and everything turned blurry to dark . 

****************End Of Chapter 49 

Thanks For Reading . See You Later In The Next Episode . 

- Charil Meng . 

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