Chapter 43

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Zoba's POV 

Jungs . Be ready to face me , I won't show any mercy to you all , I am not scared to die .....but that doesn't mean I gonna die that easily . I have a dream , to rule over Asylvia , It's my birth right and no one can snatch it away . 

My plan is so simple . I hope no one screw it up ......If anyone will dare to step in......I'll kill them . So heartlessly that even his soul will scream and beg mercy from me . " Minhyuk ? Prepare my dark spirit soldiers and also what's the news ? It's only 3 days to go now . Is Leela doing well ? " I asked as I turned to the trembling man on knees . He nodded making me smirk . 

Just 3 days .

My whole body is burning with a splint of anger , joy and excitement . I just wanna see what will be their reaction when they'll come to know that Princess is not the Princess but my puppet . Hahahaha . " Go and make my army , we'll head out soon . And also search for the scarlet alchemist .....prepare the fire of love . These 3 days I have to be cautious , I am so eager to suck out Princess strong power !! Her smell is becoming strong day by day ......I'm so excited to gain powers and kill each royal members ruthlessly ." I cackled making Minhyuk shudder a bit . " Leave ." 

He bowed and walked out of my cave , leaving me with my beautiful Azure . " Don't worry Azure .....soon we'll rule over Asylvia and you don't have to be locked in this cave , I'll let you fly ......see the whole world from the top of clouds , I'll give you happiness . Just remember .......Master is very thankful to you.....Thank you Azure for staying with me .....all those tough years .......Thank You ." I petted her head making her purr . 

" Thank You......" I whispered before looking up at the dark starry sky and the moon . 

Taehyung's POV 

" Why do you think......It's not the Princess ? I mean I never saw a clone ?" Jimin asked while getting up . I smirked and shrugged following him out , others did the same . 

" I guess we should keep eye on Princess , If she's not our real Hanuel .....then she'll do something wrong and we'll catch her red handed . Then it'll prove that Is she the Princess or some shitty clone ." Hoseok said as he pulled out his sword and stared at it's sharp edge . We all nodded . " Namjoon ....Jimin ? Prepare the troops . 3 Days left , even though we aren't sure that who's she ? But I'm damn sure Zoba gonna attack us on Hanuel's 18th birthday . Create plans and plot strategies ." He said as he's eyes glowed green .

We all bowed . Hoseok vanished leaving green mist swirling at the place he was standing . I sighed and looked at Hyungs . " Jungkook , you are the one who can keep an eye on Princess , indoors as she's your future wife , please be attentive and don't use your powers on her until you get orders from us ." Namjoon said with a straight face . " Taehyung ? Seal all the ways , no one can leave Asylvia or come until Princess's birthday , use all your tamed spies to search in remote places , If she's not the Princess ....then I'm afraid she's kidnapped already ." 

I nodded and bowed . " I will try my best , I'll get my best spies on work ." Hyung nodded and shifted his gaze at Jimin . 

" I need some of your high tier fighters , some of your magical horses and all of your trained samurais ." Hyung stated making Jimin Hyung nod .

" I'm on It ." He bowed and teleported away . Namjoon Hyung looked at Jin Hyung . 

" Hyung ? I want you to plan how to trick Zoba , I'm damn sure he's on something , It's not like he gonna come alone to fight all of us Asylvians . I bet he got strong battalion forces with him . We need to trick him so that we won't lose our men . On it right ?" He asked . Jin Hyung smiled as if he already planned everything . " I gonna plot the strategies , If he wants war.....we'll war . We Asylvians aren't coward !! We'll save Jungs no matter what ." We all hailed for Asylvians . 

" Jungkook ? The security of the Royal family is on you . They are now your family to , the day you stepped in this Palace , you became one of us , One of Asylvians and .....since you are an Asylvian , It's your duty to save the King and Queen......especially Hanuel-ah ." Namjoon Hyung patted his shoulder . " You can do it ......And also ask Taehyung to show you the secret passages that you can use during the war . It'll be safe that way ." Namjoon smiled . " See you ." He bowed and walked away with Jin Hyung .

I looked at Jungkook scoffed , " You better don't change your skin and show your true colors when we need you the most . Hyungs trust you a lot .....follow me ." I said while walking towards the secret passages that are spread in the Palace . Jungkook gazed at me and then at his hand . 

" I won't let them down ........but what about you Kim Taehyung ? " He walked towards me briskly and stood in front of me with his eyes glowing . " Do you trust me hmm ?" 

" Why ? What do you think...... NEW Prince Jungkook ?" I smirked and turned on my heels ,  I tilt the photoframe hanging on the wall and a passage opened . " I don't have whole day Prince ." He nodded and followed me in . 

Ara's POV 


I fluttered open my eyes and looked up while rubbing my eyes , gladly Zoba didn't tied me after that day but still I was under his eyes . I don't know what gonna happen next , only 3 days left ....will he kill me for real ? Will he destroy Asylvia after gaining powers ? If so.....then I'll kill myself before he could have my powers .

But wait ......Isn't the curse is .....that only my true love can unlock the seal and trigger my strong powers ? If Zoba doesn't believe in incest......then how he gonna make my powers activate ? What's he's plans ? Why everything seems so confusing ? 

Why I am feeling like this ? Why my chest is burning ? Is this because of my powers ? 

I looked up at the clouds covering the moon but yet it's moonlight lit the whole cave . 

Powers huh ? 

**********End Of Chapter 43 

Thanks For Reading . See You In The Next Chapter .

- Charil Meng . 

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