Chapter 39

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Ara's POV 

" I'm so thirsty......water....." I whispered gulping on my saliva . I felt my whole throat drying up , I was dehydrated and suffering from fever . There was a throbbing  pain in my head . " A-Ajhu-....." I groaned as my vision slowly started to get blurry and then......everything turned pitch black .

Author's POV 

Zoba walked down with a wooden food platter . He looked at Aubrielle who was sound sleeping , he rolled his eyes averting his gaze at the Princess , with a frown he kicked her leg softly . " You !! Wake up , It's not your palace and I'm not your fucking servant . If you wanna eat , then eat .....I don't care but don't die before giving me your powers !! " He placed the platter near her face and was about to walk away but stopped as he sensed that something was wrong .

He kneeled and poked her cheek , " You .....wake up . Are you dead ? Already ?" He poked again but she didn't even budged to move , on placing his palm on her forehead he realized the high temperature in her body . He groaned and looked at Aubrielle . " Damn....she's such a trouble ." 

Author's POV 

Darkness ?

It felt the same when I time travelled . God ? God ? I guess you heard my pleads Isn't It ? Looks like I'm going back to my time . I'm going back !! Thanks god , you are the best . Now I don't have to face that old step brother of mine . I hate him . I don't suffer anymore !! Thanks .

" Yahh wake up ."

Hmm ? God ? Is that you ? Why you sound the same as that Zoba ? Looks like I'm too traumatized by his evil voice that your voice also sounds like that asshole . Hehehehe .

" Stop laughing !! What are you blabbering about you idiot ?" 

Huh ? God I'm really sorry I offended you !! Mercy.....Mercy !! .....

                                             * SPLASH !! *

" WOAH WHAT THE FUCK GOD- ......You ?" She looked at the raven haired man infront of her in disgust . " Why I'm still here ? Yahhh !! So annoying ." She got up and found herself in fresh white clothes , It was more like a shirt that almost reached her knee length . " Uhh......What the hell !! You said you are not interested in incest then why the heck you changed my clothes ? You perverted old man !~!!! " She yelled pissing him off .

" Shut Up !! It was that old woman who changed your clothes !! I let her free as she was the female here . I'm not a cent interested in you . And you should be grateful that I saved you from fever , I was the one who carried you here .......and why are you screaming like a maniac ? Wanna die ?" Zoba said while sitting on a rock , far away from Ara . 

" Uhh.....still .....why would I thank you , you did this for your own profit after all ." She dusted her new outfit which was totally her style . " Wow I thought you'll provide a hanbok but it's a shirt !! Nice ." She sneered and looked at the male who was completely ignoring her . " Hey ? What's in your poop head ?" She asked getting off the small bed . 

" None of your business .......As you are fine now .....why not tie you up again ?" He said with a serious tone making Ara shake her head vigorously  and sat back obediently . " Good ." He pulled out a cigar and started smoking . Ara blinked and got up . 

" Yah Oppa ? Smoking is injurious to health !! Although I hate you but I won't let you die miserably suffering from Cancer !! I was in my school health club and they....." Ara gulped as she almost split out the beans . She smiled awkwardly and played with her hair . Zoba looked at her and then at the cigar before smoking again . " Aish......Jerk ."

" Never call me Oppa.........And I won't die that easily especially not now , I'm so close to my goals , now I can't turn back ......those 12 years that I sacrificed won't go in vain . Princess Jung.......ready to see the end of whole Jung family ......I'll love to see them cry and regret of everything they did to me . I won't let them stay happily . I gonna turn the tables and they'll cry while I gonna laugh !! " Zoba laughed stretching his arms in air . 

Ara was really concerned now , she slowly got up and tried to sneak away but Azure stepped infront of her making her halt and sigh . " Looks like I can't get out of here......until death ." She whispered sadly . She turned to see Zoba looking at her . " Fine.....Fine I won't sneak again......stop glaring at me , I know you won't kill me - " She gasped as Zoba pressed his katana on her neck .

" Can't kill you ? Hahahaha......just more 8 days , after that I'll chop you into small pieces , skew them with spices and feed them to Azure . Got It ? Your countdown started ......don't think Asylvians will come to save you......Leela is there for them.....don't worry Princess I'll kill you slowly.....slowly ." He chuckled in his deep voice . Ara balled her fist glaring him .

" You are not a human !! Even a cat feels like a family member who stays with you for a few days and here I'm your blood related sister !! How can you plan to kill me so ruthlessly ? Did you ever thought how it feels to be with family ? With siblings ? The person you wanting to kill is your own Dad and brother ......although we are from different Moms but I swear Hoseok would have treated you the same he treats me , even he treats my bodyguards as his own brothers !! Can't we just talk and settle d- " Ara got cut off by Zoba pressing his katana on her neck making it bleed a bit . 

He's eyes glowed blue while skin turned pale . He was breathing heavily , pondering what to say but only a cackle escaped his lips . He pushed Ara on the floor harshly and placed his Katana back in his diamond carved blue scabbard . 

" Those shitty sweet  words can't melt my stone heart .......I am determined snatch away everything from Jungs .......and that's final ."

***********End Of Chapter  39

THANKS FOR READING !! See you later in next chapter  ^ ^

- Charil Meng . 

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