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Jughead's POV

I sat in a semi-lit room with about eight other people. Three other guys and six women. We went around in the circle. Telling each other our stories about why and how we ended up in this rehab therapy together. One by one each person told their story.

"I was an alcoholic. Drinking all the time. I would hit my wife and kids. My wife is leaving me. She doesn't believe I can get better. I'm not able to see my girls anymore." A man sobbed. I rolled my eyes. Should've known better.

"I was in a car accident six months ago. The doctors prescribed some pills to me. I became addicted. I did whatever I could to score something. I felt like I was in pain all the time. I just wanted it to end." A woman said. Pity, but you're not who I want.

We continued going around in the circle. Another woman. One male. Then, bingo. There she was. I couldn't recognize her before. She had her head down. She had a small smirk on her face.

"Hi, I'm Veronica Lodge." She said. She's the first to even introduce herself. She's my girl. "I'm 23 and my parents decided this is what I needed."

"Well, why are you here?" The female therapist asked. The Lodge girl scoffed and rolled her eyes. I had mine focused on her.

"I'm a party girl. Always out at clubs and bars any place with alcohol really. I just wanted to loosen up. Especially with my parents being on my back all the damn time. I just needed to have a fun time." She said. That's a lie. We've been watching her family for months now. What is she really doing here?

Then, there went another woman who told her story. And another woman. The last male. Then, it was me. I sighed as everyone looked at me. I sat up in my chair. I looked over at the Lodge girl again. She was looking at me. All of me. I chuckled a little.

"Jughead Jones. I'm 23 and an alcoholic. This is the first time I've been sober since I was fifteen. I was always out spending every last penny on any alcoholic beverage." I said. There was a small laugh. We all looked over to see Veronica Lodge.

"If you were such a dramatic alcoholic, why are you wearing a thousand-dollar suit?" She said. Everybody looked back at me. She smiled at me. "I come from a long line of riches. I know an expensive suit when I see it." Smart girl.

"I do too. After my parents died, I couldn't take it anymore. I gave in to my urges and started drinking more and more." I told her. She looked away from me and crossed one leg over the other. I sighed.

"That's enough for today. I'll see you all back here on Thursday at seven o'clock." The therapist said. We all stood up and we had to put our own chair away. I looked over and saw her talking to another woman. She looked over at me, her eyes full of darkness and lust. I looked away and started walking towards the door. I left.

As I was walking out of the building, I could tell someone was right behind me. I smirked and chuckled a little. They just sound of her heels clicking against the walkway behind me.

"Why are you following me?" I asked and turned around. She stopped about four feet away from me. She had on a slightly innocent smile and just looked up at me.

"I listened to your story in there. The part about your very expensive suit is still inconsistent. But, I'm just going to ignore that. For now. I was just wondering," started walking closer to me. "Would you like to come over for a little while? My building is just right around that corner."

"I don't think we're supposed to be talking to each other outside of our therapy group," I told her. She smiled a little seductively and pushed a finger to her lips.

"Shhh, nobody has to know." She whispered. "Now, let's get you and your very expensive suit out of the middle of the streets." I looked at her up and down.

"Fine, but I only have an hour and a half," I told her. She giggled a little and we started walking.

We stood outside of her apartment, she stopped and smiled at me. In return I gave her one of my nice, trying not to be an asshole, smile.

"Aren't you gonna open the door?" I asked her. She sighed annoyed and turned around. She started digging in her purse for her keys.

"Here they are," she said and started to unlock the door. She opened the door and I followed her in, shutting the door after me. I looked around. "Nice place, right?"

"Big. Fancy. Not really my kind of style." I said. She looked at me, still with the same smile on her face.

"Didn't you say you were rich growing up?" She asked. I looked at her and nodded.

"I was. I just never really filled in the place as the rich kid for my parents. So, they had another kid that could be their spoiled little brat. It didn't stop me from still taking their money, though." I told her. She smiled up at me, before walking away and into the kitchen.

"What's your name again?" She asked, grabbing a couple of glasses and what appeared a bottle of rum.

"Uhh, Jughead," I told her. I watched as she opened the bottle and poured some into the glasses.

"Jughead? Is that your birth name? Or a nickname?" She asked, looking back at me.

"Birth name. I know, weird. People always ask what my parents were thinking when they named me." I said. She walked back over to me.

"No," she sat the two glasses down on the island next to us. She looked up at me. "I like it. It's unique and unusual." She said and picked up a glass again, handing it to me. I shook my head.

"Thank you, but I'm trying to keep away from it. I'm a recovering alcoholic. I said this." I told her.

"Oh, come on. One won't hurt, would it?" She got her face closer to mine. "I won't tell anybody. Just as long as you won't." I looked at the watch on my wrist. I sighed.

"I would, but I have to go. It's getting late and I have to be at work early in the morning. Maybe another time." I said. She bit her lip a little and sighed.

"Alright fine. When are you free next?" She asked, disappointedly. I chuckled.

"I'll have to look at my calendar." I told her. She walked away from me. "Where are you going?"

"Wait right there," she said, walking into another room. When she walked out she was folding a paper. She handed it to me. "Call me when you find out." I took him from her.

"I will do that. And I'll show myself out." I said and started walking away.

"Don't tell anybody." She said in a hushed voice. I looked back at her. She smiled and waved. I just left and went back to the precinct.

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