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Two Weeks Later (As Always, I'm Sorry)
Jughead's POV

Veronica and I have gotten ready for our little trip to my hometown. She's really excited for some reason. I've tried telling her many times that there are better places we could go for this month, but she insists we come here. I don't know why, but she does. She walked into my room, smiling. And walked over to me.

"Yes, what do you want?" I asked him. She shrugged and just continued to look up at me. "Okay, you look like you want something. What is it?"

"Well, for one my father is not very happy that we are leaving for a month," she said. Which is why we said we'd tell him that day we are leaving. Just so he didn't try and get us to stay. "And I want to know when we are leaving. Because you are taking for-fucking-ever." She said.

"Would you like me to go even slower, Princess?" I asked her with a smile on my face. She rolled her eyes and started walking out of my room.

"You're an asshole," she said. I just chuckled.

Time Skip Once Again Because I'm Lazy

When Veronica and I arrived in Riverdale, we had to find somewhere to stay. Luckily Betty and I still have her childhood home. It might sound weird that I'm bringing my girlfriend to my other girlfriend's house. Being undercover really does suck. Why did I decide to do this? Honestly, after the last time I talked with Betty and Charles, I think Betty and I mentally broke up then. But like I've said before, I don't see a future with Betty. When I was in high school I did, but now? Well, things change.

I opened the front door and let Veronica walk in, in front of me. She just smiled. I have no idea why this town is not that interesting.

"So you have a place in New York and here?" She asked. I nodded.

"Eh, this is my, uh, ex-girlfriends childhood home. I lived here with her, her mom, and my dad for our last year of high school. We didn't stay together much longer after that." I lied. I kind of felt relief when I said, ex-girlfriend.

"Oh, so you two share this place?" She asked. I nodded again.

"Yeah, but neither of us come here really anymore. We're both doing our own things now." I told her, kind of truthfully. She nodded and wrapped her arms around my neck.

"What did you do growing up in a small town?" She asked. I chuckled.

"Not much. It was basically just eating in the same diner every day and on Fridays going to the drive-in movie. And of course, going to school." I told her. She nodded.

"Nothing interesting happen?" She asked, still smiling. Well, it was more of a smirk now.

"Not really. Except for the "tragic" death of a teenage boy who was killed by his father." I told her.

"Why do you say it like that?" She asked.

"Because he was kind of ab asshole," she nodded.

"Well, I'm hungry. Why don't you take me to the diner you were talking about?" She asked.

"Oh, gladly," I said. She giggled a little and I took to get to pretty much the only place in town.

We walked into Pops and surprisingly it wasn't empty. Well, it is only seven. I've actually missed coming here. I don't know why. She followed me to a booth. I'm glad I'm here again. I looked at Veronica.

"I'm telling you, this will get boring," I told her. She just looked at me with a small smile.

"I'm sure we can come up with things to do," she said. I chuckled.

"And what might we come up with?" I asked her. She shrugged.

"I don't know. I guess things will come to us over time," she said. "Although you were the one who grew up here. I grew up completely different."

"Which might be another reason why you could get bored fast here," I told her.

"Give me one thing that is going to be extremely boring?" She asked.

"Coming here every day for at least one meal," I told her. She smirked.

"Your on," she said. I chuckled and just enjoyed this. I especially enjoyed being with her.

We left at around eight, maybe. Mainly because it was getting late. When we got back to the house, it was late and we were both tired. Mainly because of the trip here. We started to get around for bed. Veronica came up behind me, wrapping her arms around me.

"What are you doing?" I asked her. She slowly pulled my shirt out of my hands and threw it to the floor.

"You don't need that when we're sleeping." She said. I turned and looked at her.

"Why not?" I asked her. She picked it up again and put it on her tiny body.

"Because it's mine, duh!" She said. I chuckled and rolled my eyes. I grabbed her and pulled her on the bed with me.

"You're adorable, you know that," I told her. She just smiled even more than before. Which made her even more adorable. I pulled her closer to me.

"Jug," she said.

"Yes, baby?" I asked.

"Do you think your dad's still here?" She asked.

"Uhh, I don't know. Why do you ask?" I questioned. She looked at me.

"I thought, maybe, we could see him. Well, it would be more for you. Because like you said, you haven't seen him since you were in high school." She said.

"I know I said that baby, but I don't think visiting him would be a good idea. He doesn't know I have a new girlfriend. He would ask what I'm doing with my life now. It just might not be a good idea." I told her.

"Why don't we just try. Let's see what happens." She said. I looked at her and sighed.

"Sure, baby, but I'm only doing this for you," I said. She smiled and kissed my cheek.

"I love you," she said.

"I love you too, baby."

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