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Jughead's POV

Veronica and I were laying in bed, cuddled up together. It's about six in the morning. I'm just holding her in my arms, not wanting to let go at all. I could notice a small smile on her face.

"You messed a lot of what my dad said last night." She told me.

"I know, I'm sorry about that," I said.

"No, you're fine." She said.

"Well, what did he say?" I asked her.

"We have about five months till we'll have another meeting. There will be other business owners that my parents know. You met a few of them at the business party. He wants his business worldwide, but I don't understand why he wants that." She said. Maybe it's because he wants to rip more people off of their money. I just nodded. Great so now I have to find a way to tell Betty and Charles this before then.

"Are you doing anything today?" I asked her. She smiled a little and looked up at me.

"I don't know. I thought about going out with some friends later. Why?" She asked. I shrugged.

"I was just wondering," I told her. She laughed a little and climbed on top of me, straddling me. I chuckled. "What about calling your friends?" I asked.

"I can call them later." She said, kissing me. I kissed her back and rolled on top of her.


Veronica left to go meet up with her friends at eleven. Meaning I was all alike again. I waited about thirty minutes before I left to go tell Charles. I got there and found them at their desks. They haven't been able to do a lot since we're working on a case and I'm undercover for it. I walked in and they looked at me.

"Jug? What are you doing back so early?" Betty asked. I just sighed and finally said something normal to her. I'm only doing this because I know that they will want me to wear a wire with all the business there. After all, they want to arrest the three of them in front of everybody.

"The dinner was last night. Veronica left this morning m. I thought this would be a good time to come and tell you to want they said." I told her. She nodded and just sat back at her desk.

"Well, what is it?" Charles asked.

"He's planning for in five months to have a business meeting with a few other business family's. I've met most of the other people, they aren't illegal business owners. It's just him. I think that would be a good time to arrest him and his wife." I told them.

"What about their daughter. She needs to be arrested too. She's helping them with all their evil bidding." Betty said. I sighed and rolled my eyes.

"Betty, I said this yesterday, I think she is innocent. She was forced to work with them when she was Fourteen years old." I said once again.

"But from what the story sounded like, it sounds like she said yes willingly." She said.

"Her father threatened her," I said.

"Is that what she told you?" She laughed a little. "You'letting her get into your head, Jug. What else is she getting into your bed?" I just glared at her.

"She's innocent, Betty. Nothing is going to change my mind about that." I said, calmly.

"Prove it," Charles said.

"What?" Both Betty and I said.

"If you can prove that she's innocent and her parents forced her into the business, then we won't arrest her." He said.

"How am I gonna do that?" I questioned. He shrugged.

"You have five months to figure it out." He said. I looked over at Betty who was smirking. I just quickly left.

On my way back, I made a quick stop to get some food. Once I got back to the apartment, it was quiet. My first thought was, Veronica wasn't home yet. But that was quickly crossed off the list when I saw her on the couch. She was on her phone. She looked up at me but quickly looked away. For a split second, I noticed she had tears running down her face. I quickly sat down next to her. The moment I put a hand on her arm, she jumped away. It's like she was trying to stay as far away from me as possible.

"Veronica, what's wrong?" I asked, worriedly. What happened while she was out with her friends?

"Its... it's nothing," she said, wiping her tears away, but still kept looking away from me.

"Baby, what are you not telling me? I know something is wrong. You're crying. Please tell me what's wrong." I said. It was quiet between us for a minute. She still didn't look at me. She just refused to lift her head towards me. "Ronnie," I went to grab her hand, but the moment I touched her she stood up. She sighed annoyed.

"I said, it's nothing, Jughead!" Why is she mad? "Just leave me alone!" She quickly ran to her room, slamming the door. I sighed and just starred in the direction of her room for a minute. What was that? Why did she get so upset all of a sudden? Did I say or do something?

I just got up and walked to my room, shutting my door as well, but quietly. I did close the door loud enough for her to know where I just say on the edge of my bed, thinking about what just happened. I'm so confused. She was out with her friends for no longer than two hours and she starts acting all different. Do her friends know about me? I wonder if she talks about me. I wonder what she would say about me. That's not what I'm worried about. I sighed once again and just layed back on my bed. If only I could contact her friend and maybe they could tell me what's going on with her. I'll just give her some space for a while. I guess.

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