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A Month And A Half Later
Jughead's POV

For the past month, Veronica has come with me on every delivery. Ever since I was beaten up one time, she won't let me go alone. I've also told her what her dad told me. That within the next few months I'll be called sometimes in the middle of the night to deliver things. That was a... "fun" conversation I would say. She also had to have a private talk with her father about it. Yeah, she didn't seem to like that one bit. She's pretty certain that I wouldn't wake her up just so she could come with me. What would the point in that be? But, I have been called late at night a few times. And one was the worst time possible to call. Veronica and I were laying in bed making out and then my phone goes off with her dad calling, telling me that I have delivered something. The night deliveries are the people who don't want to get caught buying illegal drugs that are made. I just think they're idiots.

Currently, Veronica and I are eating dinner. It's about nine o'clock. We got home a little late and fell asleep for a while, which is why we are eating so late. She sighed and looked at me.

"Jug," she said.

"Yes, baby?" I questioned.

"I think maybe we should go on a trip or something. And maybe get away for a while. To just be together. Without delivering drugs or money. Without my dad calling 24/7 so you can deliver more. You need sleep, Jug, and with him calling all the time you aren't getting it." She said, worriedly. I sighed and just looked at her for a minute.

"I know I'm not," I said. "But, would a trip away be a good idea. I mean, your father got me delivering so much more a day. Slowly becoming more at night. Who will deliver that stuff if we do plan a trip, Veronica?" I asked her. She said and came closer to me.

"You're getting too caught up in all of this. You need to take a break. Not only for our relationship but for yourself too." She said. I nodded.

"Okay, where will we go?" I asked her. She smiled and straightened up a little.

"Don't worry about it. I've been thinking about this for a couple of weeks. You leave it to me. Just go get some sleep and I'll clean this up." She said. I shook my head.

"No, I'll get it," I said, and got up. She stood up too forcing me to stop what I was doing.

"No, you are not. You cooked dinner and worked all day. You need to get some sleep. Also, give me your phone." She said.

"What, why?" I asked her.

"Just in case my dad calls." She said. I sighed and handed my phone to her. I'm not worried about Betty texting me any more. I kind of blocked her a while ago. She was annoying. Charles won't text me unless I text him first. Especially when I'm undercover. "Thank you. Now get some sleep." She gave me a quick kiss and I walked to my room.

Veronica's POV

I made Jughead get actual sleep. I hate how my dad is trying to keep him up all hours of the day. He doesn't need to be working all the time. These people who are addicted to these drugs have made, can wait. My lovers' health is more important than them ruining theirs.

I was getting ready for bed myself when Jughead's phone went off. I sighed and looked at it. It was in fact, my dad. I smiled a little and answered it.

"Hello, daddy," I said.

"Mija? Where's Jughead? I need him to deliver something."

"He's in bed. Getting actual sleep again. You need to stop having him work all hours of the day." I told him.

"Veronica, this business is being held together by him and his deliveries. He needs to make them when they are asked." He said.

"I don't care. Besides, you're gonna have to find a new paperboy for a few weeks. Because Jughead and I are planning a trip, daddy. We need time away from this business you call your family business." I said and hung upon him. I just turned the phone and continued to get around for bed. I quickly walked out of my room and started walking to Jugheads. I've started to sleep with me. He makes me feel safe and protected at night.

I slowly opened his door to find him passed asleep in bed. I smiled to myself and went to cuddle up to him. I laidmy head on his bare chest and he pulled me closer.

"I love you," he muttered. I smiled to myself even more. I love it when he says that. I get butterflies and I just wanna scream and run around like a child when he says it. I do it in my head.

"I love you too, Jug," I mumbled. I really do love him. I'm not sure if there is anything anybody can do to change that. I am loving him forever. I don't ever want to leave his arms.

He pulled me close, like really close, and kissed the top of my head. I really wanted to ask him if he'd ever let me go. I hope he never would. Because this moment makes it seem like he never will. Does this moment have to end? I would rather stay in his arms forever. To never have to move from this spot. I can just enjoy him and his company. Which is another reason why I want to take this trip/vacation thing. I know exactly where we are going to go. My family owns the place and I already know he going to love it. I hope. I wonder if he likes some surprises. It would make this so much better.

Sorry for such a boring chapter

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