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Jughead's POV

I woke up the next morning and immediately remembered that Veronica and I were spending the whole day with her parents. Great. I sighed, got up, and started getting dressed. I walked out of my room and a couple of minutes later so did Veronica with all her clothes on this time. I looked at her. She didn't notice me. Two nights of staying with her and on both nights we almost kiss. Why can't it just happen already? Because I'm with Betty, right! I have to remember her. Betty is my girlfriend. She smiled at me.

"Let's go." She said. "We have to be there just a little early so we have time."

"Have time for what?" I asked her. She looked back at me.

"Nothing," she said. I followed her out and she drove. The whole time I just looked out of the window and thought about how close her lips came to mine last night. They felt so much closer last night. I could almost feel it about to happen. I'm just imagining them touching mine and we were joined into a soft kiss. I've only known her for only a few weeks. Why am I thinking about this? Why did I agree to any of this? All of this undercover work and being apart of this with Betty and Charles. It's all come back to bite me in the ass, but I've done this a million times. Why is this time so different? I looked over at her. She looked a little tired like she had gotten no sleep last night. She looked at me and smile weakly, then looked away. She sighed a little. I felt the urge to ask her what's wrong, but it's got nothing to do with me.

We got there, her parents were already waiting for us. They both smiled at us. This is exactly where I need to be for this job. How did I ever let Betty convince me to do this? I guess when you love someone so much you kind of just go with what they ask of you. Veronica nudged me a little. At first, I was confused until I remembered what she has said yesterday. I then put an arm around her.

"So Daddy, what are we talking about today?" She asked him.

"Just some basics of what happened around here. And also, Mr. Jones, you'll have to run an errand for me later." He said. I nodded.

"Really, Daddy? I don't think he knows what he's doing." She said.

"Well, I would've figured you talked to him about some things that happen." He said. She sighed and rolled her eyes.

"No, because I didn't want to say something that I shouldn't of." She told him.

"I guess you'll go with him then. Make sure everything goes just as plan." He said. Veronica nodded and we went on.

They all three went on for a while about what is happening around here. Explaining what they do and what I do and how I help. It was so much information. I thought this would've been better than being with Betty and Charles in the FBI. That's a little easier. To me at least. I mean, I already knew it was illegal, but I had to say it.

"Wait, isn't this illegal?" I asked them once they were done explaining something. I looked at Veronica for a second. She smiled but didn't really look happy. I slowly looked away from her. That's a little scary.

"We are just trying to make a living for ourselves and our daughter, and now you too." Her mom said. I slowly nodded. I looked back at Veronica who rolled her eyes when She looked at me. What the hell did I do now?

"Veronica," her dad said. She looked at him. He reached down next to him and pulled out a kind of small black bag, handing it to her. "Take this. I want you two to make this delivery for me. Also, explain to him what he will be doing. I have to be going now." She nodded and stood up. I did too and we left.

"Keys," she said once again. I said and handed them to her willingly. We got in the car and she put the bag in my lap. "Put that on the floor." I did. I put them by my feet.

"Where are we going? What's in the bag?" I asked her. She sighed and started driving.

"You ask too many questions, you know that?" She asked. "What's in the bag is none of your concern. And yes, I do know what is in the bag. What you're doing is just listening to my father. That means when he gives you something, take it to where he tells you, get what he asks and come straight back. No detours or small little stops. You come straight back to us. He might not want you to be back with anything at all. Just don't get caught being or looking suspicious. There might be days when you have to do nothing. Just please, don't act weird and suspicious. We haven't been caught for too many years to know. We're not planning on getting caught anytime soon because of one guy I decided to pull in." I nodded.

"Okay," I said quietly. It was quiet the rest of the drive. I just thought about everything she had said. This should be pretty easy I guess. We stopped and she looked at me.

"Come on. Grab the bag." She said, getting out. I opened the door, grabbed the bag, and got out. I followed her into what seemed like an old warehouse. I sighed. She smiled a little and a guy noticed us.

"Oh, Veronica Lodge. Showing yet another paperboy around I see." He said. She nodded walking over to him.

"Yes I am, Nick. Why would you tell my father to us meet here and not anywhere else that is much nicer?" She said to him, looking around. He chuckled.

"Because I have a few buddies of mine in the back and my parents would like me having them over. Plus, we wanted to have so much. Where's my stuff?" He asked. She looked back at me.

"Jughead, give me the bag now." She said. I walked over to her and handed it to her. The guy just looked at me with a small glare. I just watched Veronica.

"You know, you should stay with us for a while. It'll be fun." He said to Veronica. She laughed a little.

"I don't think so, Nick. I would not like to do drugs and party with you and your "buddies". Besides, I have to get back. Now, where is it?" She asked him. He sighed.

"Oh, you couldn't just give it to me and not tell Daddy." He mocked her. I smiled a little and looked down.

"Hmm, very funny. But no I cannot do that. Give it." She said. He sighed and went to grab his own bag. What the hell is going on here. He gave it to her.

"It's all in there." He said. She looked inside the bag, smiled, and closed it.

"It seems it is. We'll just be going now." She said and we started leaving.

"When will I see you again?" He asked her. She looked back at him.

"Hopefully never!" She laughed a little. We got back in the car. She was driving once again. I had the bag by my feet again.

"So, this isn't just pulling people off of their money you owe them. This is drug dealing too." I said. She shrugged.

"That depends. There isn't as much of the drugs then the pulling people off of their money. Usually, if Daddy is sending you to do something it's to probably give bad news to people about not getting their money yet. They probably won't anyways. Or if he's too busy he'll send you out to get me or my mother something when he does something wrong." She smiled. I rolled my eyes. Spoiled rich bitch. Of course, she is.

We got back to her parents and she made me give her dad the bag while she just stood to the side. He looked through it then back at me and over at Veronica.

"I hope this is how we could do it every time. Perfectly." He said. I looked back at Veronica who smiled.

"Come on, Jug. Let's go." She said and we left.

Once we got back to the apartment, we went our own separate ways. She went into her room and I went into mine. It was late already so I quickly got ready for bed. I looked at the phone and sighed when I had a lot of texts from Betty. I rolled my eyes and put my phone down, ignoring them. I just got into bed and thought about what I'll be doing for the next few months until I fell asleep.

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