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A Few Days Later
Jughead's POV

I woke up with Veronica in my arms. She was so adorable. She woke up not too long after me. She smiled up at me.

"Morning, baby," I said, smiling at her.

"Morning," she said, tiredly. I chuckled. "What are we doing today?" She asked.

"I don't know. It's whatever you want," I told her. She looked at me again.

"I didn't grow up here," she said. Oh.

"Well, we have another two weeks here. Dad and Jellybean want us to meet them at Pops for lunch today in about four hours." I told her. She sighed and sat up.

"Okay," she muttered. "What are we gonna do until then?" She said. I chuckled and pulled her closer.

"I think I have an idea," I said. She said kissed me, and things progressed from there.

At around noon we left to meet up with my dad and sister at Pops. They were waiting for us in a booth. We went and sat across from them.

"Sorry, we're a little late. We got caught up in a few things." I told them. The two looked at each other and looked away quickly, and what seemed to be trying to hold in laughter. I rolled my eyes.

We ordered and started talking and eating. About thirty minutes in, Jellybean looked at me and wouldn't look away. I was a little confused, but I didn't get it to bother me. That's when she kicked me.

"Okay, ow!" I said, looking at her. "What do you want?"

"I would like to talk to you alone, please." She said.

"What?" I questioned. She got up out of the booth.

"I need to speak to you," she said. I sighed and got up. I followed her outside out of Pops.

"What is this about, JB?" I asked her. She looked at me.

"Does Veronica know?" She asked. I looked at her, even more, confused now.

"Does she know what?" I asked.

"That you're undercover," she said.

"How do you know about that?" I asked her.

"Betty called me the other day. She asked if I had heard from you. I didn't tell her you were here," she said.

"What did she want?" I asked her, worriedly.

"She just started to rant to me about how you are undercover and she doesn't trust this Veronica girl. That's when I started putting things together," she said. "Betty told me everything."

"So, you know that I'm undercover to catch her family, and it's illegal business," I said. She nodded.

"Yeah, and I'm guessing Veronica doesn't know you're undercover." She said.

"Of course she doesn't!" I told her. "And it hurts not letting her know everything."

"Do you really love Veronica? Or is all of this just so scheme to get closer to her parents?" She asked. I sighed.

"I really do love her. This was never supposed to happen, but it did and I'm not gonna be ashamed by it." I told her.

"Does Veronica know how Betty is?" She asked.

"She thinks Betty's the crazy ex. Except Betty and I are still together." I admitted. She rolled her eyes.

"Oh, my God, Jughead!" She said. "What kind of mess have you gotten yourself into?"

"I don't care. Veronica is innocent. If Betty has called you, I'm sure she told you everything." She nodded.

"She did,"

"Do you believe a word She said?" She shrugged.

"I'm not sure what to believe at this point,"

"Please believe me. Veronica is innocent. Her parents forced her into this business. She told me. I'm just needing to find a way to prove it within the next month." I told her.

"Why the next month?" She asked. I sighed.

"Because that's our perfect time to catch them, and if I don't have proof by then, they're gonna arrest Veronica too," I told her. She sighed.

"I know I've only known her for a couple of days, but she seems innocent. I can also just see the pain in your eyes when you're even thinking about Veronica being taken away from you." She said. I nodded. "I'm willing to help. And don't say I'm too young. Just tell me what I can do."

"I will when I'm able to. Let's get back inside so they don't question why we've been gone for so long," I said. She nodded and we walked back inside. I went and sat next to Veronica again.

"What were you guys talking about?" She asked. I just shook my head.

"It was just her bullying me because she hasn't been able to do it for a while," I told her. She laughed a little.

"What he was gone for six years? How am I supposed to hold myself back now?" She asked. We all laughed at that. The rest of the day was great.

Veronica and I walked around town for a while after lunch. Just to enjoy everything I guess. But especially each other. I just couldn't stop thinking about mine and Jellybean's conversation from earlier. Why would Betty call her? Is her the next way of trying to get to me? Does she know I'm back in Riverdale for a while? I don't know what to think anymore. Betty's gone psycho and Charles doesn't seem to mind. I would say I don't see why she has a problem with Veronica, but I can see why.

I was too lost in thought, I didn't even realize that Veronica and I were walking around Sweet water river. How do I always end up here? I looked at her.

"Are you okay, Jug?" She asked. I nodded.

"I think I am. Why?" I asked her.

"Well, you seemed really lost in thought. I didn't know if you were okay." She said.

"I'm good, I promise. I was just thinking about things." I told her.

"Would you like to tell me these things?" She asked I looked at her again. She was just smiling at me.

"It's just about what my dad and I were talking about the other day. When you and JB were hanging out for a few hours. He gave me some really good advice about a few things. And no, I will not tell you. I'm gonna keep it to myself. See what I can do with it." I told her. She laughed a little.

"Okay, you do that," she said.

"Would you like to go back to the house?" I asked her. She looked at me and nodded.

"Sure," she said. I grabbed her hand and pulled her along. We walked in comfortable silence almost the whole way there. I say almost because I had to complement about how beautiful and perfect she is. It was so adorable the way she reacted. She would look down, trying to hide her face and she would smile like crazy. I don't want this to end. She is my everything. I don't know what I would do without her.

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