Court - Part Two

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Jughead's POV

I woke up the next morning, alone once again. I hate waking up alone. I hate waking up without Veronica. I sighed, getting up and around. I walk out of the room and saw that Jellybean was already up and around. I chuckled a little.

"When are we leaving again?" She asked and looked up from her phone and at me.

"Here in about an hour. Have you eaten anything yet?" I asked her. She nodded and looked back at her phone. "Who are you texting?"

"Dad. He's asking if he should come to New York to help you, but I told him no. That he wouldn't be seeing you a lot," I rolled my eyes. She is so annoying.

About an hour later we left. We got there and Betty and Charles looked at us weird. I guess they're wondering why JB's here. I sighed and looked at them.

"She wasn't going to take no for an answer so I started with yes," I said. They both nodded.

"Well, have a few minutes. We've been waiting for you." Charles said and we started walking into the room.

"Wait, Jughead," JB said. I looked at her and pulled away from the door and to the other side of the hall.

"What?" I asked her.

"You forgot this," she said, pulling out the letter. I sighed.

"Really? JB, I told you--" she cut me off.

"And I said I don't care. Use it!" She said. I sighed and put it in my pocket. We walked back over to the other two.

"What was that all about?" Betty asked. I shook my head.

"Nothing," I told her. She nodded, knowing I was lying because I saw her looking at my pocket anyways. She tried grabbing my hand again, but I didn't let her.

As we walked in I saw Veronica, standing next to someone, which most likely is her lawyer. I sighed. This is too much pressure on both me and her. I can tell.

After a little while, I was up sitting in the place next to the judge I guess. I'm not sure how supposed to feel about this, but I'm not nervous. Well, I am nervous about one thing. Veronica is not being freed. I looked over at Veronica who wouldn't even look at me. I looked down a little.

"Forsythe Pendleton Jones the third. That's your real name, right?" I looked up and saw that it was Veronica's lawyer. I nodded.

"Yes, that's true," I said.

"And you use Jughead Jones as your name for when your undercover?" She asked. I nodded again.

"Yes," I said.

"Do you use that name for any other occasion?" She asked.

"Objection. Relevance?" Our D.A. asked.

"Your honor, I've only started talking," the lady said.

"Sustained," she said and looked at me. "Answers the question,"

"It's also a nickname I've had since I was a kid," I told her. I don't even know the relevance for this.

"Okay, how long were you undercover for, Mr. Jones?" She asked.

"A year and seven months," I told her.

"Why did it take so long for us to get..." she looked around. "Here?"

"Because we had to wait for the right time to get them all," I told her.

"By "them all" you mean my client and her parents, am I correct?" She asked. I nodded. "It came to my attention not too long ago that you and my client were in a sexually intimate relationship, right?"

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