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Jughead's POV

I opened the door to the apartment. I had to quickly get here. I don't know when anyone will come that's why I had to come here now. I didn't bother to shut the door it doesn't matter anymore. I walked in and started walking to her room. I sighed and stood right outside the closed door. I pulled my phone out and texted Jellybean.


J: I'm ready. Come open the door.

I didn't bother to wait for a reply. I just turned my phone off and threw it to the ground. I honestly don't know how to feel right now. Should I be pissed off? Should I be sad? I just feel numb. I mean, she didn't even want to see me. Then, I got her going and then, Charles ruined it for me. I was so close to keeping her in my life. So fucking close.

"Jughead?" I heard my sister's voice only a few moments later. I looked at her and sighed. "You look horrible,"

"I feel horrible," I told her. "She's gone. They took her and her parents. They're in waiting cells for the trials."

"Why did you wait till after they got arrested to want to come in here?" She asked, walking over to me. I shrugged.

"I guess I thought it would make it easier that she's not here. It doesn't, but I want to be in there before they are." I told her. She nodded.

"Come on, get up." She said, grabbing my arm and pulling me up. I willingly stood. I opened the door, slowly. I don't know why.

When we walked in I expected to see just a plain old room, with just some white walls, like mine. It was very similar to mine, but there was more. I noticed on the desk and the bed that there were just sketchbooks there. I picked one up that was already opened in the middle of it. I flipped through the pages and they were all just sketches of like dresses and fashion outfits. I didn't even realize that JB was looking over my shoulder.

"She's into fashion," she said. I nodded.

"Apparently," I said.

"They're all beautiful, but this isn't what we are here for. We're looking for something that will help us prove her innocence." She said. I nodded and just put this book down.

"Try not to touch a lot of things, please," I told her.

"Alright," she said. In the back of my mind, I was thinking we wouldn't find anything. What would she possibly hide here? Why would she keep something like that? I wish they didn't knock on the window. I could've gotten something from her. "Hey, Jug."

"What?" I asked, still just half looking around and half not wanting to look because I'm afraid we'll find nothing useful.

"What did you want to search here so fast? I know it would be because of the others, but this fast?" She questioned. I looked at her for a second.

"Veronica's pregnant. I need to save her and I need to get her out." I told her.

"Oh," she said.

"You don't sound very surprised by that. Did you know Veronica was pregnant?" I asked her. She turned and looked at me and slowly nodded. I sighed.

"It's not like she didn't trust you. She was scared. And I found the test sitting on the table. You were gone and I asked her about it. She begged me not to tell you." She said.

"Do you know how far along she is?" I asked her. She nodded. "How far?"

"Almost two months," she said. That got me thinking.

"That means it happened not too long after we arrived in Riverdale," I said. She nodded. "Why didn't she tell me sooner?"

"I just said she was scared. She didn't know how you'd react." She said. I nodded. That's understandable.

"Okay, let's just get back to looking," I said and actually started looking this time. I guess it was the talk about the baby and it being mine and all of that gave me more motivation and courage.

"Hey, could this be something?" I heard her ask.

"What?" I asked, walking over to her.

"Read this," I did. It was like a blackmail letter to Veronica.

Dear Veronica,

I didn't think I would have to write this letter but of course, I do. I see that you do not want to take up your spot in the family business. Well, you will. And do you know why?

Veronica if you choose not to join the business your mother and others that you love will be hurt. I will not hesitate. They will suffer. And you among them. It saddens me that I have to threaten my own daughter to join the family business. But if you do not join that threat will be upheld.

Your loving father,
                Hiram Lodge

"You're reading the same thing I am, right?" I asked her. She nodded.

"I think so," she said. "Do you think will be good enough to prove her innocence?" Looked at her.

"Let's just hope," I said. "Let's go,"

We went to the precinct to show Betty and Charles. I know they won't like that we did this, but we did. And I'm using it. We quickly walked over to them.

"Hey," Charles said. "You disappeared on us. Where did you go?" He asked.

"Read this," I said. He took the letter and started reading it.

"What is it?" Betty asks and starts reading it over his shoulder.

"A blackmail letter from her father. It proves her innocence," I said. They both looked up at me. Betty smiled evilly.

"Jug, it's already too late for that. We said before she got arrested. It's already happened. Besides, nobody's going to say that proves her innocence." She said. I sighed and looked at Jellybean.

"Where is she?" She asked. I looked up again and at Charles.

"She's still in a holding cell here, but you're not alone to talk to her." He said, looking at me. I sighed and looked at Jellybean.

"Well, you didn't say anything about it, but I also don't care. I'm going to talk to her anyway," she said and started to walk off. Charles looked at me.

"I guess she was raised right," I said and went to follow her. "Hey, Jellybean," she looked back at me. "Can you give Veronica something for me?"

"Yeah, sure. What is it?" She asked. I sighed and reached into my pocket and showed her something. "Oh, my God!"

"Shh! Please, just give this to her and don't let her give it back. Talk to her and give it to her before you leave." I told her. She nodded, taking and it walked off. I sighed as she walked off and went to go sit at my desk. This is horrible. Why did I do this to myself?

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