But In The End I Will Always Love You

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A Month Later
Jughead's POV

Betty and I have completely broken up. A few days after Veronica was proven not guilty, I went to the house and saw her packing. She apparently was leaving and not coming back. I don't know where she is and I don't care. I've currently been taking a break from the FBI because it tore me down. Especially after Veronica.

I now live alone in the house I used to live in with Betty. JB went back to Riverdale a few weeks ago so it's just been me. Which is sometimes fine.

Every day it's the same thing, I wake up, lay in bed for a while not wanting to get up, nor having the motivation to, then, I basically just walk around for a while and let my feet take me anywhere. I never knew how much living alone sucked because the moment Betty and I got out of college we moved here and in together. So I've never really lived alone. I guess that's why I'm not used to it. But really I now take walks every day to clear my head.

That's what I'm doing right now. I'm walking around the small neighborhood I live in, just getting some fresh air. I've been out here for about an hour and I started getting tired. JB texts me every day to see how I'm doing. Every day I tell her the same thing. I'm fine.

I haven't seen Veronica in the past month. I'm not sure if she hates me or she just doesn't want to talk. Which is why I haven't called or texted her. If she doesn't want to talk she doesn't have to. If she wants to she'll have to call me because I'm not sure what she wants.

I walk inside and check the time. Twelve. I walked into the kitchen to see if I could find something to eat. Although I wasn't feeling very hungry. That's the first. It's just lately I haven't been feeling it had much. But I grabbed something anyways and ate.

I still can't stop thinking about mine and Veronica's very first kiss. I know I was undercover, but it was so real. It was more than anything kiss with Betty. There was more passion than ever. That's when I realized I really did like her. No, that's when I realized I really did love her. And I knew nothing was going to change that. Not even Betty.

I sat down to start eating when my phone buzzed. I looked at it and part of me knew it was Jellybean, but another part of me wanted it to be Veronica. I picked it up and looked at it. Its Jellybean. Asking what I'm doing so far today. She's told my dad the whole story and he checks in sometimes too. Not a whole lot since JB does all the time. But he did call me. He wasn't mad about what I had done, not even disappointed. Jellybean had told him as I said to about Veronica. He was just happy that I knew what I wanted. I still remember his words when we were in Riverdale. Whether Veronica comes back to me or not I will listen to those words in the future.

I ate and then just layed on the couch doing nothing. There isn't much to do when you live alone and taking a break from work. I've thought about not going back. It ruined most of my life, why would I want to go back and work again? Well, for being an FBI agent. I could always find something else. But that's the onto the thing I've loved doing. I basically already started when I was in high school. I think I've had a long enough break. I'm going back.

I got up and left going back to the precinct. I walked in and immediately Charles saw me. He quickly walked over to me.

"Forsythe, what are you doing here?" He asked. "I thought I told you to take a break."

"I've had a long enough break. I'm tired of sitting around in an empty house wondering things. I want to do something. Besides, it's been a month," I said. He sighed and looked around like he was looking for someone. "Betty's still here, isn't she?"

"Yes, she is. She told me she moved out. I figured you just stay at Veronica's apartment with her." He said. I shook my head.

"I haven't seen her in a month. And don't say her name, please." I said. He nodded.

"Hey, Charles, I--" I heard Betty start and stop. She stopped when she saw me. We just looked at each other for a second. Until she rolled her eyes and walked past us. I looked at Charles.

"Would you like a new partner?" He asked with a small chuckle.

"Your funny," I said. "Has anything new happened?"

It was about ten o'clock when I finally got back to the house. I went inside and immediately took a shower. After my shower, I walked downstairs to get a little bit of a snack. As I turned on the lights in the kitchen, there was a knock on the front door. I looked at the door. Who could be here this late at night? Why would someone be here this late? I towards the door and heard another knock. I opened the door and saw Veronica standing there. She looked scared and nervous about something. You could her small little three-month baby bump. It made me smile a little.

"Veronica? What are you doing here?" I asked her. She sighed a little.

"I know it's been a month since the court, I just needed time to myself and time to think. But after a while, I realized something," she said. Oh, God! She can't forgive me. I knew it. I fucking knew it. I sighed a little. She reached into her back pocket and held something in the palm of her hand, but I couldn't see it. I stayed quiet not wanting to keep her up I guess. "Jug, I realized that even though you lied to me for so long, you still showed that you loved me even when I was hating you. You helped prove that I was innocent and I can't thank you enough. And the baby," she said. "The baby can't grow up without a father. I'm not gonna a let it happen." I don't know why, but I felt the tears in my eyes. "And I also can't live without you," she opened her hand to show me the ring I bought. That's where I stopped just a little while before I went to the precinct the night it all happened. Knowing she was going to hate me anyway, I still bought that engagement ring. I told my sister to give it to her and she did and Veronica kept it. "No matter how much you lied and how much it hurt me I could never stop loving you. You lied to me for so long, Jug, But In The End I Will Always Love You." She handed the ring to me and smiled a little. "Yes, Jughead," I took out of her hand and grabbed her left hand, putting it on her ring finger. I immediately pulled her into a hug.

"I am so sorry, Ronnie, I never meant to hurt you," I said. She nodded, wrapping her arms around me.

"I know, Jughead, but you're not losing me ever again. I promise." She said. I just held her close to me and I held her tightly, not wanting to let go ever again. But I slowly pulled away from the hug and looked into her eyes.

"I love you, Veronica," I said.

"I love you too, Jughead." She said.

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