51. The Hideout

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And so, the deal was made. Reeves would help the Scouts fight back against the corrupt Military Police branch that so desperately wanted Eren, (y/n) and Christa out of the way.

Levi got up, and so did Reeves, though a little less gracefully - he was old and rather fat. The sun was now low and beautifully orange, making Trost look much prettier than it really was after all the wreckage. 

"We'll head to the hideout where Eren and Historia have been all day. I'd rather them not come looking for us if we fail to show up before nightfall." spoke Levi. He turned to Reeves, who was dusting himself off. "You'll be coming with us. I'll need to tell you exactly how we can ensure both your safety as well as ours, and I'll need to brief you all in on Erwin's plan, which we can start hopefully as soon as tomorrow, if the weather works along." He explained, though it raised more questions than it answered.

Connie turned to Jean to whisper, "How is the weather involved in this?"

"I'm not sure, but I'm willing to bet Commander Erwin has some sly plan up his sleeve..." Jean whispered back.

"How far exactly is this hideout? I'm not exactly used to walking for hours on end like you soldiers." Dimo spoke, back to his grumpy self.

"Well then I suggest your company provide us with some horses." Levi spoke casually. Reeves looked indignant at first, but laughed afterwards, patting Levi on the back.

"Maybe you're not that much of an amateur after all, son!" he laughed. "I have a few connections. I'll see to some horses, and we can use the cart wherein you three were kidnapped this afternoon." he waved towards Jean, Armin and (y/n).

"..Good. Let's get going." 

They headed off down the Wall and to the horses, most of them still weary of Dimo. He seemed to have switched sides rather quickly, but then again, he had a pretty convincing story about being coerced into it by the MPs rather than him being genuinely bad. 

On the way back, travelling through dusk, (y/n) wanted to speak with Levi. This wasn't possible however, because she and the others were in the cart, whilst Levi was on one of the horses leading the way, Dimo on the other. 

She was sitting between Jean, closely shoulder to shoulder since it was quite cold outside. She wanted to take a short nap whilst they were travelling anyway, but that would mean resting her head against Jean's arm. Though it didn't mean anything to her, it might to Jean and Levi. 

After having Levi stick up for her so boldly with the whole Greg-situation, she didn't really feel the urge to make him jealous.

After what seemed like a few hours, they arrived.

It was a small cabin on the side of a mountain road. It was right at the edge of a small rocky cliff, surrounded by a cobblestone wall, so that you couldn't accidentally fall off. A small cobblestone outlook-tower was beside the wooden house. 

(y/n) couldn't understand how there would be enough room for all of them to even temporarily stay there. 

"Cute little place, isn't it..." Levi muttered sarcastically as everyone looked upon it skeptically.

He dismounted his horse and Dimo stumbled off too. The rest followed them inside.

It wasn't quite as cramp as it seemed at first, but still, how was the whole Levi-squad supposed to sleep there? There were perhaps two bedrooms, both of which didn't contain enough beds, anyway. 

"Sir..? Is this really our hideout from now on?" Sasha asked carefully. 

"Well, it's part of it. Wouldn't be much of a 'hideout' if we were just staying in a different wooden cabin than before, now would it?"

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