27. Guitar

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After a few hours, (y/n) had finally gotten used to the bumping around of her head and body in the wooden cart. Sometimes a titan would be right on top of them, and all (y/n) could do was listen to her comrades as tried to deal with it. Her body was so broken and busy healing she could hardly sit up straight, let alone help along in a fight. Hour by hour she slowly regained usage over her body.

The horses had started slowing down due to fatigue from running the entire day. Thankfully, the sun had started setting and they had reached the mid-way point; the same old town they had stayed in over night the day before.

As soon as (y/n) felt the cart stop she greedily sat up, not minding the aching pain in her body. She had to see her friends. She had no idea who was or wasn't alive. She clumsily climbed out of the cart, having to get used to her newly-healed body, all her bones having been merged back together and all her muscles no longer being ripped apart.

Holding onto the side of the cart, she looked around and finally spotted Eren and Mikasa.

"H-, Hey, you guys!" she called out, and tried walking over to them. She lost her balance almost immediately, but Eren had managed to run over and catch her before she fell, which would have caused new injuries whilst her old ones were still healing.

"Careful, (y/n)! Are you crazy? This afternoon you were literally inches from actual death, and you're trying to walk already!?"

"Ch-, God, Eren, I'm not an elderly person. I actually can stand on my own two feet, thank you." she spoke as she pushed him off her. She had pushed so hard that she then started falling the other way, her feet unable to catch her weight.

Before she could hit the hard ground she felt a strong pair of arms tightly around her waist, holding her in place.

"Apparently you can't, brat. Now stop acting like a belligerent child and let your body heal." spoke Levi's familiar voice.

"Ch-, well I am NOT staying in that goddamn cart any longer. I have the right to be with my friends as well. I-, I really need to see them.." she spoke, her voice growing less angry. Levi sighed after a short second.

"Fine. You two, collect firewood like the others, and help the medics if you can. We've got a lot of injured who still have a chance of making it through this expedition. Report back here at the main court in an hour. It will be dark by then so we need to get those fires going." he ordered.

"SIR!" they spoke in unison as they headed off.

"And as for you..." Levi started, addressing (y/n). He then picked her up bridal style and started walking towards the court.

"Tch-, LEVI?!" she squeaked.

"Shut it already." he cut her off as he gently put her down on one of the logs that served as a seat, just in front of the large campfires to-be.

"What're you..." she mumbled looking up at his expressionless face.

"Like I said, you need to heal. So, just sit, and let that happen." he spoke, his voice a little sweeter than before.

He took off his cloak and put it around her shoulders, his face close to hers as he did so.

"It's not much... But the fires will be up soon, so you won't have to be cold for long." he said softly.

"I'm not cold..." she muttered, trapped in his icy, steel eyes.

"It's a crime to lie to your superior, you know." he mumbled, his voice growing softer and lower as the conversation kept becoming more intense.

"Fine, you got me. I'm cold." she muttered, a small cheeky smile on her lips. He returned it, though it didn't reach his eyes. The dark circles beneath them were more than she'd ever seen on him. He looked like he hadn't slept in a week. (y/n) supposed that's what the deaths of all ones comrades and subordinates does to a person.

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