10. In Levi's Tent

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"So... What will happen now?" (y/n) asked Levi. "You and Eren are joining the scouts. We'll be leaving for HQ immediately."

"Wait, I have to say goodbye to my friends first!" she interjected.

"Tch-, fine. You two, meet me back here in an hour. Don't be late." he said with a stern look towards (y/n). However, Levi's stern and intimidating looks never seemed to work on her.

"You got it! Let's go, Eren!" she said excitedly as they ran out of the building to find their friends. Most of them were in an old pub a little downtown.

"Guys? Why are you all here?" (y/n) asked as she entered the dimly-lit tavern.

"There they are!" They all seemed to yell. Mikasa lunged herself at Eren. She hugged him extremely tightly.

"I'm so glad you guys are okay... I will KILL that little pipsqueak for what he did to you!" she spat.

Jean walked up to (y/n).

"God.. Your face! I hear that Levi really did a number on you.. What an ass!" he said, sounding genuinely angry.

"Don't misunderstand. If Levi hadn't had done that, we would probably have been executed."

"Well, whatever. I'm just happy you're here." he said, and he hugged her. They walked over to the table where the others sat.

"A toast!" Reiner began. "To Eren and (y/n), the two creeps who can turn into a titan! For saving the day!" he yelled, and everyone raised their glasses. "And to all those who gave their lives today!"

(y/n) and Eren decided to have a beer with them. And then another. And maybe another. They had a great time.

"Where's Marco, though?" (y/n) asked.

"Not sure. I guess he turned in early. It was an exhausting day after all. And tomorrow is even worse... Us cadets will be cleaning up all the rubble.. And.. The people.. After that we can choose our regiment."

"Right, I see." (y/n) said. She looked at the clock. "SHIT! Eren we're gonna be late! Ah man, Levi's gonna-... Well.. He technically already beat us up today.." she wondered aloud. "Anyway, we've got to go!"

(y/n) stood up to hug everyone goodbye, but she stumbled as soon as she stood.

Crap.. How much did I end up drinking?

She clumsily hugged everyone. She even gave all the boys a kiss on the cheek, causing even Reiner to blush slightly. Whoops. That might have been the alcohol. She thought, giggling aloud.

"Bye! Till next time! I love you all!" she exclaimed as she and Eren hastily left.

In front of the building stood an angry Levi with his arms crossed. The horses and a few others were already there.

"Eren, we fucked up." (y/n) admitted aloud.

"Yup." he agreed.

"You're late, you idiots!" Levi said angrily.

"I'm-, we're-, we're sorry. We just, had a few drinks with friends and it all just went crazy, and yeah."

"..Seems like you've had more than a few drinks." Levi said, his anger diminishing.

(y/n) tried not to laugh, but seeing as Levi was completely right, she giggled, trying to hide her smile with her hand.

Levi sighed. "Just get on the horse, dumbass."

Eren was much less drunk, or maybe the alcohol just affected him less. He got on the horse normally, but (y/n) had a bit more trouble.

She finally got on, and they left.

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