8. The Struggle for Trost

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(y/n) was, to put it simply, a prodigy with using the 3DMGear. Mikasa's and (y/n)'s skill were almost matched, but comparing them would be impossible. Their techniques and styles of moving couldn't be more different. Mikasa was very fast, traveled in a straight line and always made a clean cut, right out of the book. (y/n), on the other hand, loved adding sophisticated tricks and turns, which made her almost impossible to catch. Seeing her was frightening, thinking she would crash or fall at any given second, but the sheer control she had over her body and her gear was unfathomable. You could never see her coming, because she was fast, all over the place, and always seemed to appear out of nowhere behind you. And even with all that, she preserved her fuel effortlessly. (y/n) was one to be feared.

Titan stand-ins had been placed everywhere across the city. The assignment was to cut their napes, and cut as many as you could.

"Seriously?! DAMN YOU GUYS! (y/n), Mikasa, you two together killed almost half of them by yourselves! That's CHEATING!" Jean yelled as they were all sitting on the road in the sun, exhausted after a hard day's training.

"Sorry we're awesome." (y/n) said, her chest still rising and dropping rapidly, out of breath.

She lied down on her back, hating the feeling of her sweating.

"I can't believe we're all so close to graduating!" Christa mentioned.

"I know! It's so close! Have you all decided on your regiment yet?" (y/n) panted.

"I'm joining the MP's for sure!" Jean said. In a way it made sense to (y/n). Only the top 10 were allowed to join the MP's. Despite being at the top of the rankings, (y/n) was set on joining the scouts, along with Eren, Mikasa and Armin. Though (y/n) felt that more would join them in the end.

"You're still joining the scouts, then?" Connie asked.

"Definitely. Just imagine it... Seeing the outside for the first time! I can't wait!"

"Yeah me too!" Eren chimed in. "Shit, (y/n), we have to go tend to the cannons up on the wall, remember?" he reminded her.

"Oh, right!" she said, and a few others joined them.

Tomorrow would be the day that they all head to the military branch of their choosing.

Eren looked out over the city from the wall, feeling optimistic and driven.

Soon we'll be joining the scouts... And we can finally start making a difference! He thought.

His thoughts were interrupted by a loud lightning flash that was accompanied by an enormous bang. Everything fell silent, but there was a shadow cast upon the cadets on the wall.

Oh no... It's-, it's him. (y/n) and Eren thought in Unison. The Colossal. It was there, right in front of them. He kicked the gate, the same way he did 5 years ago, proving that it had intelligence, since he had now twice aimed for the weakest spot in the wall.

There was an huge gush of wind all around from his kick, which blew everyone off of the wall. Most were able enough to use their gear to save themselves, but a few were either too afraid or were knocked out. Sasha and some others luckily caught them just in time.

Everyone was piss-scared, couldn't think, couldn't understand and couldn't move.

"OKAY, PEOPLE! THIS IS IT! THIS IS WHAT WE'VE BEEN TRAINING FOR! FIGHT OR DIE!" Eren yelled, pulling (y/n) out of her trance.

"Eren-, Eren's right... EREN'S RIGHT! IT'S NOW OR NEVER!" She yelled as she followed after Eren to attack the Colossal.

Sadly, just like last time, the Colossal appeared, kicked in the wall to let other titans in, and disappeared into thin air.

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