59. Kenny the Ripper

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The next morning, Sasha, Jean and Armin set off to a nearby village for fresh water and some food. The day was gloomy and drizzly, which worked out in their favor, being able to wear the hoods of their cloaks up without looking suspicious. They noticed a few tired looking MPs handing out flyers to the citizens in the streets. 

"The scout regiment has murdered a civilian! These people are dangerous, and some of them have evaded capture. If you spot any of the people on these posters, report them IMMEDIATELY!" yelled one of them. Sasha, Jean and Armin looked on from a distance worriedly. 

"The Captain's gonna wanna know this..." Sasha muttered softly. 

"Definitely. We should head back." Jean agreed. 

They met up with the rest of the group, who had moved into the nearby forest so that the MPs wouldn't be able to find them. 

(y/n), Levi, Mikasa and Connie were waiting for them in a small clearing of the trees. (y/n) was boiling river water to make it drinkable on the ground. Levi sat at her right side. 

"Sir," began Jean, who had come into view from behind the trees, "there were MPs handing these out to everyone, saying Commander Erwin had someone killed. The whole scout regiment is getting prosecuted..." He handed Levi a few flyers. 

(y/n) scooched closer to Levi and looked over his shoulder at the flyer. Despite the flyers being a serious problem, she had trouble stifling a laugh when she saw the drawing of Levi's face on the wanted poster. He looked old, grumpy and a little fat. 

"They've already rounded up large numbers of scouts, apparently. I also heard people saying they'll be hunting for us in the mountains tonight. They've also placed guards at every important road, so no one can get through without being checked..."Armin mumbled glumly. 

The rest sat down around Levi and (y/n). 

"So, sir, what do we do now?" Armin asked. 

"We need to hurry and find Eren straight away." Mikasa spoke sternly and out of turn, to no one's surprise. 

"No, he'll be fine," Levi said, managing to sound even stricter than Mikasa, "they took him on a cart, they need him alive. I''d say we have about one day before they reach Reiss' estate. And we need every second we can get to come up with a plan." 

Mikasa was about to retort when Sasha interrupted her. 

"Sir, I hear footsteps approaching." she whispered frantically. "They're coming from that way."  

Levi got up. 

"I'm willing to bet those are MPs. Armin, you stay here and serve as bait. Put up your hood. The rest of you hide." he turned to (y/n), "(y/n), with me up in the tree, blades drawn. Avoid killing them if you can, we need any information we can get."

They did as ordered, and soon saw two young MPs approaching the hooded Armin. They raised their shotguns at him. 

"Don't move!" spoke the man with a bowl-cut authoritatively, though he looked nervous. "Raise your hands and turn around slowly."

Armin obliged, and turned around to face them. 

"Not a sound, listen and do exactly as I say-" he continued, but Levi had already given (y/n) the sign to jump down and disarm the two MPs. (y/n) dropped down behind the girl with short, curly hair and pressed her blade up to her throat. 

"Hand your guns to the one in front." (y/n) mumbled. The girl frowned and wanted to object, but as (y/n) adjusted her blade, inching it closer to her skin, she conceded and let Armin take her gun. 

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