22. Day Two

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Levi woke up first the next morning. Despite the fact that it was summer, the mornings were still cold if you slept in a place with no windowpanes or heating. For a second, Levi couldn't find his bed-sharing partner. He looked to his side, and noticed a bump under the covers where (y/n) should be. He lifted the blanket, and was pleasantly surprised to see his favorite subordinate curled up into a ball, using his stomach as a heated pillow. He smiled slightly, a peaceful feeling taking over, when he remembered they were literally out in the titan country right in that moment. Somehow, (y/n) always made him feel like the world was already at peace. His smile disappeared to be replaced with his usual expression. He sighed as he realized he had to get (y/n) and Eren up. They would head out again at sunrise.

He stroked her head, until he saw her eyes open. He wished he could just have a day-off with her, a day where they could be all alone, stay in bed as long as they liked, and perhaps go outside a little if the weather was nice. Somehow, she was the only person with whom he could tolerate the thought of spending an entire day with. He could hardly endure Hanji for a couple of hours, though she was a dear friend to him.

(y/n) was half awake. She wrapped her arms around his torso, desperate for his warmth. She blushed as she remembered he was only wearing his underwear.

"Get up, brat. The titans won't wait for you to finish your beauty sleep." he muttered. This woke her up. She wouldn't be of much use if she was still drowsy. She sat up on her knees facing her superior, the blanket rolling off her. She rubbed her eyes. She felt his warm hand on her thigh.

"You go wake Eren. I need to find Hanji and Erwin to get a reading on today's weather conditions and our established route."

She nodded and climbed her way off the bed making her way over to Eren's room. She adjusted her undies as she walked.

He frowned and shook his head as he watched her go.

She is so goddamn clueless to how sexy she looks wearing just that, shitty brat...

As Levi could have guessed, it was quite a pleasant shock for Eren to be woken by his beautiful, scarcely dressed comrade.

But there were other things on Eren and Levi's minds. That day would be the second day of the expedition, with just as much as chance of dying as the day before.

A small breakfast was swiftly handed out and swiftly consumed, before people were sent to mount their horses and take their correct positions in the formation.

As the day before, the Levi squad, who was by far the most capable of killing titans, was placed precisely in the middle of the formation. The very place they would experience none of the titans. (y/n) thought it was odd, she knew she and Eren were important, but what's the use of having titan shifters who can kill tens of titans when you don't let them get in contact with them?

Is this part of some bigger plan of Erwin's? I trust him with my life, especially when it comes to planning things such as the expedition, but I can't see the logic behind this one...

Erwin gave the signal, and they set off once again. They were told to engage the long-distance formation, and (y/n) saw her friends from all sides of her gallop away, eventually out of sight. They all had the same look on their face as they left. It wasn't fear, but neither was it confidence. Perseverance? Determination? Hope? The 'let's-just-come-back-alive' attitude? She tried to figure it out.

"(y/n)." she heard from beside her. It was Eren who addressed her, noticing her furrowed, worried eyebrows that she didn't know she had on.

"They'll be okay. They're all capable soldiers, and they're all together, so their teamwork is top-notch. Focus on what's ahead, okay?" he spoke to her, Levi listening along.

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