54. Myths and Mysteries

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They took their place again in the chamber, on the same beds, but the mood was completely different. They were silent, the whole conversation that took place before completely out of their minds, and utterly banal after having heard those screams. 

"I don't know why I'm surprised..." Connie mumbled. 

"The Captain and Hanji are already scary normally, just imagine them in torture..." Jean muttered. 

"I'd expect this from the Captain, but I didn't think Hanji would also..." Sasha said. 

"Why'd you expect it more from Levi?" (y/n) asked softly. 

"Well, I think we all sort of know... That the Captain is..." she spoke awkwardly, not wanting to insult him for (y/n)'s sake, "well he came from the Underground, didn't he?"

"Is that really true, though?" Historia wondered.

"No one really knows what his story is." said Mikasa. "Do you, (y/n)?"

(y/n) slowly shook her head.

Of course she did know that he did in fact grow up in the Underground, and that he was part of some sort of gang, but practically nothing beyond that. She felt suddenly hurt by how little she knew of his past. Actually nothing, even?! How can I care for someone so deeply, when that person still hasn't opened up to me at all, when I really think about it? Why has he never told me more... After all the times I've asked about his past, he's always evaded my questions or given vague answers... I guess he-... he doesn't trust me with it...

Now, with Levi torturing two men downstairs, for the past couple of hours no less, (y/n) suddenly felt very far away from him, and almost a bit frightened by him. Where the hell does he come from? Who did he used to be?

Others were all muttering softly among themselves, trying to figure it out. 

"I don't even know anything about the Underground... It's always been a subject people steer away from."

"Yeah, me neither. I used to think it didn't even exist. In fact, I know some people who still don't think it exists."

"I have my doubts, to be honest..."

"Same, it just doesn't make any sense..."

Hanji's people were whispering and listening along gravely, as the rest silently agreed that Levi's story was a complete mystery. One of them, a man who seemed to be in his late twenties, stepped closer and leaned against one of the beds. 

"The Underground is a real place alright..." he spoke seriously, people looking up at him. "And you can be sure as hell that's where the Captain came from." he began. 

"Wh-, what are you saying? What do you know about it?" Jean asked, speaking the minds of all those listening. The guy, who (y/n) believed was called Jonah, came to sit on the corner of one of the beds, his elbows resting on his knees. 

"Well, I'm no expert on the subject, let that be clear... But I've been with the Survey Corps for quite a few years, so I've heard stories going around..." he started. "The Underground city is one of, if not the poorest place within the Walls. It is a crime ridden city underneath the capital city of Mitras, filled with criminals and homeless people. There are very few jobs in there, so a lot of people go into the criminal world to earn some money." People were completely silent, eagerly waiting for more. "Levi being one of those criminals. In fact, he was allegedly at the head of one of the most dominant gangs."

"What kind of gang...?" Connie spoke. 

"I don't know. People knew better than to ask questions."

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