46. A Short Morning

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The next morning, (y/n) woke up very early in a slight panic. After going to Levi's room the previous evening, she had stayed there the whole night, and Eren was bound to have noticed her absence from their bedroom.

Maybe... If I just sneak back now, he'll just think I went to bed after he already fell asleep! As long as he sees me in our room in the morning... She tried to salvage the situation.

She took a last big breath as she sighed, not wanting to leave Levi's warm, strong grasp... Not wanting to leave the fresh sheets, that had Levi's clean smell... Eventually she rolled out of his grasp, doing her best not to wake him up. She tiptoed to the bathroom and grabbed her clothes, and took off to her own room.

As she got there, she saw Eren was luckily still in his bed. Too bad he suddenly moved.

"Huh, (y/n)? What're you-," He mumbled as he sat up.
"Oh, Eren! I was just getting up and getting dressed, to, uh, make breakfast." She lied.
"(y/n), you don't have to lie to me, you know." Eren said skeptically.
"Wh-, how-, why would I be lying? I'm telling the truth?"
"(y/n), you didn't come to bed last night, and you're wearing the Captain's shirt. Annnd... the Captain's underwear...?" Eren spoke, staring at her bottom-half wide-eyed.
"Right.. fuck..." (y/n) muttered, realizing her blunder.
"Did you guys... Did you guys have-? Last night?" Eren asked, looking more curious than she'd ever seen him.
"Wh-, Eren! What the hell?! N-, no, we didn't," - we would have, if I didn't call it quits halfway... - "and even if we did I wouldn't tell you, you perv!"
"You wouldn't tell me?" Eren asked with a skeptical smirk on his face.
"Why would I?!" 

"Well, because girls love talking about these kinds of things, right? I know how girls tell each other everything." He mumbled, seeming to dislike this fact.
"Well, I suppose they do.. And, yes, naturally I wish I could discuss these kinds of things" - she gestured towards Levi's underwear - "with my best friends, but only you know. And Hanji, but there's no way I'm talking to her about Levi. And seriously, would you really want to hear the dirty details about everything that Levi and I discuss? Everything Levi and I... do?" she muttered the last words with painful embarrassment, cringing as she said them.
"Right, right. No, I don't. It's just, I kind of feel bad for you. You've got this whole romance going on, and not a soul to vent to. Maybe you should just tell Mikasa or Sasha. I doubt Mikasa would ever rat you out. Sasha might accidentally blurt it out at dinner, though."
(y/n) gave a short, slightly curt laugh.
"Mikasa and Levi have kind of a rocky relationship. I get the feeling she'd judge me for being with him, don't you?"
"No, not at all, actually. Firstly, she won't give a damn, as long as you're happy and he treats you OK. And Mikasa and the Captain aren't exactly 'warm' towards each other, but I know for certain they have mutual respect for one another. Really, when it comes down to it, I think they're fine."
"Yeah, alright... They don't seem like the type to be petty, anyways. I don't know. I'll think about it. Maybe Levi would kill me if I talked about our private relationship, anyway..." She muttered with a small smile. Eren laughed. "Yeah, maybe."
(y/n) straightened the pants she planned to wear that day.
"But seriously, why're you wearing his shorts?" Eren pried.
"Ch-, Eren! It's nothing.. sexual. After I took a shower I didn't have anything to sleep in, so I asked if I could borrow some of his stuff."
"So you took a shower there, huh? You're not worried he took a peek?" Eren asked, obviously trying to embarrass her. 

"Eren! He's not that much of a pervert, you asshole..." she replied, Eren successfully having managed getting her to flush an embarrassing color.
"So he's only a bit of a pervert?" Eren asked skeptically, getting out of bed and stretching. (y/n) scoffed.
"Aren't all guys..." she muttered, her blush worsening, as memories from the previous night were pushed into her mind.
His hands on her shirt, then under her shirt... Her sitting on his lap... Her stomach twisted involuntarily, and she suddenly wished it was evening again.
"Well, whatever. Stop asking questions I don't wanna discuss with other guys! And turn around so I can change." she added a little louder. Eren threw up his hands in defeat and turned around.
She quickly changed into some fresh clothes.
"Thanks. I'm just gonna give these back to Levi. I'll see you in the kitchen downstairs?" She asked, to which he sleepily nodded. It was still rather early.

When she entered Levi's room she saw he was still in bed. She smiled as she saw him, 'humanities strongest' looked so casually vulnerable when he was lying in bed.

"You're back." he murmured in his low voice. She walked over. 

"You knew I left?" she asked as she sat down beside where he was lying.
"Of course." He wanted to stop her when she left, but he knew why she had to, "Did Eren notice you were away the entire night?" he asked, not sounding hopeful.
"Yeah... pretty much..." she mumbled, her face looking worried. Levi sighed.
"We're playing it too close..." he muttered. Someone was bound to find out if humanities strongest and humanities second strongest (and titan shifter) were engaged in a romantic affair if they were casually sleeping over all the time. With all Hanji's men around now too, it was even riskier.

"What'd he say?" Levi asked, frowning. (y/n) blushed, catching Levi's attention.

"N-, nothing, really.." she muttered, not looking him in his piercing, frowning eyes.
"(y/n)..." he warned, his hand gripping her wrist on which she was leaning. Her eyebrows furrowed.
"Seriously, no big deal... All he really asked was.. whether we.. you know?" she tried to imply, gesturing the rest of her sentence with her other hand.
"Whether we what?" he asked, his voice going even lower. He already had a fair guess of what she was referring to, but he just really wanted it to come from her mouth. She sighed impatiently, finally looking him dead in the eyes with a frown, her blush taking away from her already lacking intimidating-ness.

"He only asked whether or not we had sex last night." she spoke candidly. His frown was replaced with a small smile, though his eyebrows remained furrowed.
"Curious little bastard, isn't he..." Levi muttered softly, not looking too happy now.
"Hey, don't blame him. I simply shouldn't walk into our bedroom wearing our captains clothes."
"Still, the kid should refrain from asking about sex with my girlfriend." he muttered in the same tone, staring at the ceiling.
Oops, I did it again. Levi. Jealous. Of freaking Eren. (y/n) thought comically, seeing as to her Eren and Levi could hardly be considered a fair competition.

"Hey, hey, hey..." she muttered softly, more seductively, Levi recognizing her tone of voice... And sure enough, she softly grabbed both his wrists, putting them beside his head as she gently took place just above his lap (which was still covered by the blanket). 

"You've gotta understand, Eren is the only one who knows about us. It's hard for a young girl like me to go through all this new stuff and not tell a soul about it." she explained with a slightly sad expression lingering on her face. "But," she quickly started before he could, "I know we have to. Don't worry, I won't tell anyone anything." She slid her hands from his wrists to his hands, her intertwining her feeble-looking fingers with his.
"...(y/n), if you really want to tell one of your friends..." he muttered softly, feeling a bit guilty. He hadn't thought about the fact that this was probably all very new to (y/n), and keeping all of it quiet might be hard on her.
"No, no it's fine. I kind of like the whole 'secret' aspect of us, anyway. Besides... You undoubtedly have a bunch of experience with all this... kind of stuff, so all I need is you, right?" she spoke, her eyes looking curious and asking. 

He smirked up at her in a mean, skeptical-looking way, keeping his mouth purposely shut.

Does she really want to know about my sexual past? He thought extremely skeptically, and apparently it showed on his face, because (y/n) sighed heavily after his lack of answer.
She bit her lip, frowning down at him.

For the first time in a long time she felt a jolt of jealousy, the realization that Levi must have been with other women before her never having come to her sooner.

"Don't pout." he muttered as he put his hand up to her chin, pulling it down afterwards to his face. After he sweetly kissed her on her lips briefly, her frown seemed to have disappeared. 

"You should get up. I promised Eren I'd be downstairs in the kitchen, like 5 minutes ago." she spoke, back in her usual spirits before hopping off. "Oh yeah, and wash these!" she added as she threw the clothes she had worn to bed on his face.
He didn't really see the point in washing them, he actually thought they smelled rather nice.

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