28. Together Again

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(y/n) woke up, feeling like shit. She just wanted to get back to the walls, and be able to rest easy, knowing all her friends would be safe there.

She got out of bed, Levi miraculously still fast asleep.

He had trouble sleeping that night.

All her muscles felt extremely tight and sore, which she deemed understandable, after the... hiccups her body had been through the day before.

She woke up Eren, and as she returned to the main room she noticed Levi had gotten up as well.

"You okay? You were tossing and turning all night.." she mumbled, stifling a yawn. He sighed and stood up, running his hand through his hair.

"Yeah. I had a lot of stuff on my mind." he spoke, his eyebrows making him look a mixture of angry and frustrated. (y/n) decided to leave him in his obviously bad mood and get ready to set off again. As she was putting on all of her gear, Levi interrupted her.

"You're going to ride today?" he asked her.

"Well, yeah. I've completely healed. Don't see why I shouldn't." she mumbled.

It was obviously ridiculous for her to die one day, and ride a horse the next, in Levi's mind. It would be dangerous, and (y/n) could get hurt. He looked like he was about to tell her off and tell her to rest a little more before riding, when he stopped himself.

He frowned even more than before, and diverted eye-contact.

"Fine. Do whatever you want." he muttered. He walked out the door as he put on his jacket.

Okay, so-... something's totally off about him today... (y/n) concluded. Never had he said something to her like 'do whatever you want.', he was usually pretty clear on his point of view on things and how he wanted them to be done.

He's acting.... distant. She thought, as her eyes followed him out.

She shook it off and her and Eren left as well.

The group was already forming, the horses ready.

"Jean! Do you have an extra horse for me?" (y/n) asked him as she walked over.

"Wait, what? You're already riding again?" he questioned.

"Well, yeah."

"How is Captain Levi okay with that?! It's dangerous! I heard you were as good as dead yesterday!" he objected.

"Levi didn't seem to mind, honestly.." she mumbled. "Just give me a horse will you?"

He looked at her worriedly, but gave her a spare horse. "Her name's Apple. She's really sweet, and quite fast." he introduced. (y/n) pat her head.

"Well, let's go Apple. We're almost home, girl." she spoke to her, the horse's eyes big and brown.

"ALL RIGHT PEOPLE, WE'VE ALMOST MADE IT! PUSH FORWARDS!" Erwin's voice echoed loudly from the beginning of the pack.

They rode, and (y/n) enjoyed being back on a horse. She was now in control of where she went and how fast. In the back of a cart, she was at the mercy of the horses and people pulling it. She liked Apple. She did miss her old horse, though. Perhaps she was still around somewhere.

(y/n) and Eren were still positioned in the middle, the absence of their former squad very obvious.

Levi didn't look back the entire time they rode.

They didn't encounter any titans, only the outliners had that privilege...

When the walls finally came into view, another dozen of lives had already been taken.

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