26. Revival

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She killed her. It should have been me. Because of me, the entire Levi squad is dead. Because of me, (y/n) is dead.

Those were the only thoughts corrupting Eren's mind as he fought the female titan. Along with various other murderous thoughts directed at his opponent.

They stared each other down as they both waited for their limbs to heal after another loud, ground-shattering brawl they'd had. They seemed to be pretty evenly matched, although the female titan seemed a lot more calm that Eren was. The fact that she was so composed about all the deaths she'd caused made Eren even more livid than he already was.

How could anyone be so heartless? And to think this is a human! How-.. HOW COULD SHE?! WHY WOULD SHE HELP THE TITANS AND TURN ON HUMANITY?!

Then something happened that Eren could have never suspected. Something that shocked him to the core, and instigated an ice-cold shiver to run down the length of his spine.

The female titan took to a specific fighting stance. A fighting stance that in a way was familiar to him.

Where have I seen that before-...

He regained himself quickly when she lunged a kick at him, which he managed to block just in time with his arm.

Meanwhile, Levi had finished refilling his tanks and was headed off to the place his team should be. He had a nasty feeling deep inside his stomach, but he had trust in his squad. The only thing making him question their safety was the way Erwin had been acting the entire expedition.

Ch-, typical. That sly bastard is always two steps ahead of everyone else. Why has he been acting so strange? So-, nervous, even? And why would he have me replace my fuel?

All of the unanswered questions in his mind caused his teeth to grit and his mouth to be dry.

He was worried.

Soon a very familiar smell caught him off guard. A smell of iron. He wasn't expecting it this far into the forest. It didn't make sense.

Blood? Why do I smell blood? And so much of it as well? Ch-, it's disgus-

One of his many questions was answered as he looked onward searching for the source of the foul odor. He recognized Gunther, his Second-in-Command, despite the fact that he was hanging upside down, and his face was covered in his dripping blood.

His throat had been cut. That wasn't the work of a titan. It was clear to Levi now why Erwin wouldn't calm down. The danger had not been eliminated at all.

He swallowed hard and continued to soar through the sky, even faster than before.

As he had feared, he noticed another of his trusted subordinates, Oluo, on the ground. He saw the red-splattered trees lead up to his death-bed.

His hands were cramping up due to his tightening grip on his blades.

He later found Petra. She had been mercilessly trampled against the trunk of a tree. He stopped briefly, not being able to take his eyes of her empty ones that stared upwards.

Eren. (y/n). They'll still be alive, at least... Ch-, even so, I'll KILL that titan bitch for what she did to my squad!

His resolve was renewed as he flew off, wanting to save what was left of his squad. He followed the sound of titans roaring at each other. He hoped dearly that he would find (y/n) and Eren in titan form, leaning over the dead, broken body of the female titan.

Instead he noticed one of his subordinates, Mikasa, he believed she was called, about to get herself killed by taking on the female titan by herself after they saw the titan rip out Eren's unconscious body from his titan form.

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