44. Experiments Begin

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Getting to sleep that night turned out to be a little troublesome for (y/n). She was too busy entertaining the thought of Levi possibly... thinking about her,- he'd still be behind his desk or lying on his bed, reading, probably-, but the thought kept her and the butterflies inside her stomach awake.

Eventually, forcing herself not to flatter herself too much, she fell into a deep sleep.

She was woken far before she was done sleeping.

"Morning..." Eren croaked as he sat up. He specifically avoided the 'good' in 'good morning'. It was still dark out, and in (y/n)'s eyes it was just as much into the night as it had been before falling asleep.

"Yeah..." she answered a tad hoarsely, her face resting in her hands. "What time is it?"

"4:55." Eren answered. He was already up, and practically dressed.

No fair... He wasn't up as late as I was yesterday, he's not as tired!

"Well shit, that means we've gotta be out and ready in 5 minutes." she spoke as she sunk even lower in her hands.

"I'm ready." Eren spoke lightly.

Without knocking, Levi came through the door, looking as well put together as ever.

He frowned (even more) when he saw the very drowsy, undressed (y/n) sitting on her bed. She looked up at him and muttered 'ah crap...' under her breath, feeling his scrutiny coming.

"(y/n). You certainly behaved like a big girl last night, so now face the consequences like one. If you're late, you'll regret it. Downstairs in five." Levi spoke, slight condescension in his voice. He managed to make her annoyed as well as flustered with one and the same sentence.

(y/n) presumed 'acting like a 'big girl'' was him referring to her... bold actions last night. And the staying up late.

"Sir." she replied, standing up to look for her pants that were undoubtedly somewhere on the floor, her little-covering, black, laced panties clearly on show now that she stood. Levi stared and debated for a second.

"...Eren. With me." Levi finally muttered. (y/n) bit down on her bottom lip to stop herself from laughing at Levi. Eren quickly walked out of the room.

"You have three minutes left, (y/n)." he spoke a little harsher now after seeing her poorly concealed smirk, closing the door behind him. She shook her head and quickly got dressed and brushed her teeth. She sprinted down the stairs to make it in time, it being too early in the morning for her to want to risk getting disciplined by her strict Captain.

"I'm here!" she panted slightly, speaking softly to not wake anyone who had the liberty of sleeping some more. All who would be involved with the titan experimenting stood in the hallway, ready to go.

"Let's head out then!" Hanji cheered, not making an effort to soften her voice.

As the rest headed out the door, (y/n) had a small loaf of bread thrown at her face, still in the hallway, which she clumsily caught after impact. Bread?

Levi walked up to her as she examined it.

"You're supposed to eat it, you idiot." He muttered before jamming it in her mouth.

"But I'm not hungry?" she spoke with her mouth full.

"Fine. I order you to eat it." he muttered monotonously, before walking out the door in front of her. She opened her mouth to retort, but there wasn't much she could do about his direct order. He's exerting his power as captain over me!

"Ch-, jerk." she mumbled silently as she followed him outside, heading to the horses that stood ready. Apparently not silently enough though, since he turned his head and looked at her with scary eyes. Whoops. She retaliated his intimidating glare with the sweetest smile she could conjure up, cocking her head to the side, and taking a small bite of the bread. He took a deep breath, before turning away, rolling his eyes. Damnit, (y/n).

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