47. Poker

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As (y/n) entered the kitchen, Eren had already gotten started on preparing breakfast.

"Sure took you long just to give the Cap his clothes back." Eren softly teased, his eyebrows raised as he continued to lay out pastries on the oven tray. (y/n) smiled, her eyebrows furrowed, not really wanting to smile at his observant comment.

"I'd watch out, Eren. Levi's not too keen on having you know about our private life, and especially not meddling with it, from what he's just told me." (y/n) spoke, a mocking yet genuine warning behind her words. Eren suddenly dropped a small ball of dough on the tray and turned to her, his large eyes wide with fear and embarrassment. 

"Wh-, what? Is the Captain upset with me now? I-, you know I only joke to mess around, right?" He sputtered, his green eyes remaining shocked. 

"Eren, calm your tits. He's... Well, he's not upset with you, at least. So don't worry about it. I just think he gets a little jealous sometimes..." she muttered the last sentence silently, knowing Levi would positively smack her if she told Eren about his jealous tendencies - which he would wholeheartedly deny - anyway.  Eren managed to pick up on it anyhow. His face had gone from fearful to skeptical in an instant, him now looking at her as if she was pulling a lousy joke on him.

"The Captain, Humanities' Strongest Soldier," Eren spoke with obvious high regard, "jealous. Of-, of me. Please, (y/n)." he scoffed, shaking his head. 

"Well, I must admit I kind of... go out of my way to make him so..." (y/n) sheepishly admitted. However, she also knew that Levi didn't see himself as some god-like hero at all - like Eren did - and, with the right push from (y/n), Eren would seem like (y/n)'s confidante - her close friend that she'd known for years, not only alright-looking, but also much closer to (y/n)'s age than Levi was. He also shared (y/n)'s upbeat attitude, much unlike Levi did. These thoughts didn't roam Levi's head consciously, he hadn't put that much thought into them, but jealousy was a feeling everyone could recognize.

"Why would you try to make your boyfriend jealous?" Eren questioned, almost sounding offended. (y/n) guessed that Eren worried whether all girls did this, much not-understanding why girls would be that cruel. 

"It-, can be fun, in a way. I don't do it super heavily or anything, but it's just nice to know that he wouldn't want me-, I don't know, stolen away from him, or something." as (y/n) spoke she realized how childish and girly she was sounding. In reality her actions of making him jealous were all fun and games, but spoken aloud it sounded all in all petty. 

"Fine, fine, you're right," (y/n) continued, before Eren could start a whole argument about girls and their mind-games, "I'll stop doing it." she conceded. 

Or at least stop telling you about it when I do, she thought cheekily. 

She finally jumped in with helping prepare breakfast, and their conversation went back to its usual casual chatter. 

When the sun had finally risen and breakfast had been consumed by a bunch of drowsy soldiers, Sasha finally spoke up about what everyone had absent-mindedly been wondering.  

"Uh, sir? What's actually the plan for today? Since... the titan experiments didn't go all too well..."

Levi put down his knife on the side of the plate. 

"Good thing you asked." He began, and the rest looked up. "Right after we finished with the experiments and saw that it was a lost cause, Commander Erwin was notified of it. His further orders should be arriving any time now. Naturally, we already know the gist of it; which is to take out those who are so desperately trying to find and take out Eren, (y/n) and Historia. Those are the Interior MP's. Erwin is also inquiring whether the Commander of the Military Police is in charge of these Interior soldiers. That will tell us whether we're up against the entirety of the Military Police, or just a select, elite part of it. Obviously, we'll be hoping it's the latter. Until we get his direct orders and intel on the matter, we'll have to wait it out. Gladly it seems as though Eren and (y/n) have fully healed, making any sudden orders we'll undoubtedly be succumb to today not as much of a nuisance." he explained flatly. 

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