16. A Taste of Freedom

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They continued. The objective was to pin the other to the ground, rendering them useless.

They started up once again after Levi had helped her up from the ground. This time though, it went a little different. (y/n) knew his stances off by heart now.

Ch-, she almost just got me! Levi thought, his eyes surprised. He quickly regained himself and threw her down.

"You almost had me there.." he panted. The sun was at its highest and was burning into them. The air was getting warmer as well. He was leaning over her, pinning her wrists to the ground.

"Al-.. most?" she smirked, panting even heavier, one eyebrow raised skeptically. She swooped his left leg so that he lost his balance, which she used to get on top of him. Now she was pinning him down.

"I wouldn't call this almost winning." She smiled.

"Ch-, acting cocky after one win in 2 and a half hours?" he questioned, his eyebrows frowning, but his lips showed amusement. She laughed loudly, ecstatic to have actually won for once, and a little enthusiastic about sitting on Levi's lap. He was sweating as much as her, so much that his hair was messy and clinging to his face. She ran her finger through it slowly, so that it was out of his way.

She looked at his face, mainly his eyes. She really liked his eyes. They weren't innocent, like Armin's eyes were, nor hopeful and fiery like Eren's, they were something completely different. But, whenever she saw that his glare softened and a peaceful look taking over, she felt overjoyed to think she was a reason for him to be happy, to some degree.

She was oblivious to the fact that she was staring, a soft smile on her face and softly biting her lip. Just looking at him like that, in the sun, all sweaty and dirty, was the first time she admitted to herself that she really cared about him. Really, cared.

Levi stared back the entire time. His heart was beating fast. And he knew that wasn't just because of the exercise.

"Well, technically, since you're humanities' strongest," she continued, "and I just beat you, I'M humanities' strongest now!" she exclaimed.

"Cute." He said sarcastically. "Let's see if you can pull that off again."

Levi still won 70% of the matches, but she figured against humanities' strongest, that's still pretty damn good.

They didn't think it was possible, but it continued to get warmer.

"L-... Le-...vi... I- can't.." she heaved. She wasn't feeling too well. She fell on her ass and put her head between her knees. All I'm seeing is dark spots...

Her body was literally dripping with sweat, as was Levi's. He purposely chose to train in the sun, seeing as it had more effect, but he didn't expect it to become this hot.

He kneeled in front of her and put his hand on her forehead, and then on her throat, checking her heart rate.

"(y/n), you're overheating, you dumbass. Let's take a break." He said as he stood up. He was having the same trouble she was, although she had it a little worse. Ch-, this heat is insane. He took off his drenched shirt.

"Lift your arms." She did as he commanded. He pulled off her shirt for her as well. She did not object nor was she shocked. She knew he meant nothing perverse by it, and if it would help her cool down, she was all for it. She was wearing a sports bra underneath anyway. He pulled her up to her feet by her hands and led her to some trees that stood on the grass casting shade.

She sat down and leaned against the thick trunk, Levi beside her.

"You're a really good teacher, Levi." She said as she looked at him fondly, yet tiredly.

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