19. Three Little Pigs

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As she walked, she was feeling very stupid. I've never been such a pussy before. Where is it coming from all of a sudden?

Never had she felt bad for the murders she committed when she was a child. They got what was coming to them, anyway.

Her father had been drunk (as usual), and was passed out somewhere in their bakery. It was late at night, and (y/n) was working her ass off, baking fresh bread for the next morning.

She was all focused, sweating like crazy due to the high heat of the ovens, when she heard a strange sound coming from outside. She didn't know what it could be, seeing as it was well into the night.

Before she knew what was happening, three men stood inside the store, right before the counter.

What the hell? Ch-, dad forgot to lock the door again... Who in the world could be there? she wondered, her heart beating faster. She walked to the front, and came face to face with them.

"We-, we're closed... Have been for a while now.." she mumbled, her young voice sounding very high-pitched.

The men looked at her father, who was obviously unconscious and didn't look like he'd wake up soon, and they looked at the tiny (h/c) girl that stared at them with wide eyes.

"We're not here to buy, honey." said the man in the middle, with a scary smirk on his face.

They were there to steal all and everything they could. They knew about the baker's drinking habit, and decided to take advantage of that. They had forgotten about his pretty, young daughter, though. Although she would only make the deal even sweeter for them.

They knocked her out, and started emptying the entire store, front- and backroom included did they search for money or prized possessions.

No... she thought as she lied there on the cold ground, semi-conscious. If they take it all.. We'll lose the shop.. We won't have money for food..

Shiganshina was in the outer ring of Wall Maria, so poverty was more of a thing than in Wall Rose or Wall Sina. If they lost the shop, they'd be on the street. And she knew her father could not provide for himself or her if they were on the street.

"Hey, that girl could fetch us a fortune... Pervs in Wall Sina will pay gold for a pretty one like her."

"Yeah good point. She's worth more than all this crap here!"

"I agree. Kill the drunk, though. He might inform the Military Police. Besides, look at him, you can slit his throat and the drunk bastard won't even notice."

One of the men left to the back to grab his loot.

"Sure. You kill the guy, though. I'd like to busy myself with the girl, if you get what I mean..." spoke one of them as he laughed.

When he looked for her though, she was suddenly nowhere to be found.

"Where's that little bitch gone?" were his last words.

He was stabbed through the back with (y/n)'s favorite breadknife, before any more foul words could leave his foul mouth.

He sank to his knees, staring incredulously at the knife that had just been pierced straight through his chest.

"YOU LITTLE BITCH!" yelled the other as he picked her up by her neck and threw her into the kitchen, barely missing the fiery oven. She grabbed a metal pan, and she ran at him, a look in her eyes that could only be described as animalistic. She screamed at the top of her lungs as she charged at him and hit him straight in the face, hearing a crack coming from his neck. He was dead. (y/n) wasn't sure, though. She kept hitting him with the pan, kept screaming, kept crying.

The third man returned, and fell to his knees in shock as he saw his two comrades, perhaps even his friends, both viciously murdered. She hit him as well, rendering him useless, and proceeded to wrap her bloody, tiny, yet determined hands around his disgusting neck and squeezed. She kept squeezing and squeezing, her eyes closed, her nails digging into his flesh until she couldn't feel her hands or arms anymore.

What scared her most, was what she was thinking the entire time.

Good riddens. Good riddens. Good riddens. There's already famine amongst us humans. Why should we waste resources on feeding and providing for pigs like these?

They don't deserve to live. So they won't. Not anymore, at least. Not if I can stop it.

It was a simple way of thinking. Only those who deserve to, only those who are not a waste of space, should be allowed to live. I'll see to that. Personally, if I have to.

(y/n) relived that entire night, her cheeks burning up in anger.

Her resolve was renewed.

Does a human feel bad for trampling an ant? No? Then why should I feel bad for ridding the world of mere vermin?

From then on, those were her words to live by. She wondered if Levi had same-like ideals. She had a feeling he did. 

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