49. Mission's Begin

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The next morning passed rather uneventfully. The most noteworthy part was Eren and Jean trying to make Armin look like a girl, like Historia. He had put on her clothes (which fitted surprisingly well), and some changes were being made to his hair, to look a little more feminine and Historia-like. The others were getting ready for the mission as well.

Levi watched from a distance, leaning against the doorframe from the kitchen, looking into the living room and sipping a cup of tea. He grew surlier when Jean suggested to put some socks into Armin's dress to replicate breasts (Historia wasn't large-chested, but Armin was of course completely flat), but Eren had to remind his why this would be unwise. 

"From a distance, it would be more convincing, but you can tell up close that it's fake. And, if someone were to-, uhm..." Eren stammered, looking grave. Comprehension dawned on Jean's face. 

"R-, right. No socks, then.."

The grip on Levi's teacup tightened. He could hardly stand sending (y/n) off to be intentionally kidnapped. Hostages usually weren't treated gracefully. 

He suddenly felt two small hands squeeze his sides, before (y/n) came to stand next to him. 

"What're you lookin' so upset about?" she wondered softly, a small smile plastered on her lips. He heaved a sigh, his worries remaining but still lightening at the sight of her. 

"This whole damn mission... If this all goes according to Erwin's plan with no difficulties or injuries," he refrained from saying 'casualties', for her sake, "it'd be a miracle." he finished grimly. 

"Nothing ventured nothing gained?" she proposed in a feeble voice. He was tempted to chuckle. 

"Don't tell me you're quoting four-eyes now?" he asked skeptically. She beamed at his kind expression.

"Not exactly, but there's some truth to that particular saying." she murmured, looking at Eren and the others now. Jean was pinching Armin's cheeks to make them rosier.

Levi's gaze didn't leave her face, and a more serious tone took to his voice.

"(y/n), I know you're absolutely awful at this, but I'm going to try again anyway-," she turned to him, looking curious, and he continued, "promise me something." he spoke, commanded rather than asked. She raised a very skeptical eyebrow. He scowled at this, but went on nevertheless. "As soon as they've taken you, you are their hostage. Therefore I want you to be compliant, and not cause unnecessary trouble." he spoke sternly. Her face looking offended and indignant, her mouth opened to retort. He caught her chin before words came out. "No," he cut her off before she could speak, almost in a way like telling off a pet,

"I know you have a big mouth, and I can deal with that," she shot him a look that said 'are you serious?', his frown deepened, "I can deal with it better than I bet your kidnappers will, (y/n). They know you heal almost instantly. Furthermore they need you alive, but not necessarily unscathed. They tell you to shut up? You do. They insult you? You sit there quietly and take it." he elaborated, and let go of her face. She rubbed her jaw, looking positively angry. He was getting to know her so well that the promises he forced upon her were becoming almost impossible to upkeep. 

"Fine, sir," she emphasized the last word, showing him she was cross with him. Saying 'sir' was her way of temporarily reverting him from 'boyfriend' status to merely her authority-figure Captain. He restrained himself from rolling his eyes, also trying not to be amused by her petty attitude at him telling her to behave (for her own sake, no less). She turned and walked into the kitchen whilst speaking, "Anything else you want from me before I go on my oh-so-dangerous-must-be-a-good-girl-kidnap-mission?" She aggressively scrubbed some dishes that were already clean in the old sink, still frowning. After hearing the door close softly she felt two hands start on her waist, them meeting on her stomach as Levi pressed himself against her from behind. 

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