35. Kidnapped

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"Levi... I suggest you stay back." Erwin spoke to him softly, as they fixed the saddles on their horses. He spoke in a different tone than he usually did with Levi. Less official. Levi's hands stopped for a while.

"What do you mean, Erwin?" he asked in his low voice, almost sounding angry. Erwin gave him a knowing look.

"I understand that you feel... the need to go, but we both know important things are coming up. Things where we need you in absolute top form. If you stay and rest, and heal from your injury, that will be much better for all of us in the long run." Erwin spoke.

"Tch-, 'important things'? You think I don't know that? Also, how is this not an 'important thing'? Our titan shifters have been captured by the two greatest enemies of humanity."

"Yes, captured, and not killed. So, we know that they need them alive, so we know that they're okay."

Erwin hadn't seen Levi look this pissed in a long while.

"Erwin, you either order me to stay, or you only suggest it and I go along anyway. Pick one." Levi scowled. Everyone else was just about ready to leave. Erwin furrowed his eyebrows.

"I'm not going to order you to stay. I wouldn't forgive myself if something happened to... her, and I forbade you to be there. Besides you'd always blame me for it." Erwin spoke, with a little mocking smile at the end. Levi scoffed as he jumped up on his horse. He was silent for a second, thinking of what Erwin said.

"No." Levi decided, "I'd always blame myself for not going anyway." He muttered as he kicked his horse and headed off.

Erwin smirked and followed.

A mixture of Scouts and Military Police left from Trost District to Hanji's location. They rode fast, since the clock was ticking. Erwin already figured out that if they wanted to have a chance at finding (y/n) and the others they'd have to find them before sunset. After the sun was down tracking them would become near impossible.


(y/n) opened her eyes after being knocked out for who knows how long. At first, she had the shock of a lifetime. She was extremely disoriented and could only see a grey haze around her, leading her to believe she was blind. Her breathing got heavier and she tried to move around, before feeling that she was on a tree branch, at the verge of losing her balance. Her balance was, for some reason, completely off. She felt like a cat that's recently lost its tail, causing it to be very unsteady. Before she could start to scream as she started falling backwards off a tree branch where she didn't even know how far down the ground was, someone grabbed her hand and pulled her back. She was out of the grey haze now too. She realized that she was the one creating the haze, since it was titan steam, and she realized the person who caught her hand was none other than Reiner, standing on a slightly lower branch, reaching over to her.

"Y-, you? Get off me! HOW DARE YOU TOUCH ME!" She screamed at him, trying to kick him away from her when she realized it wasn't working. She looked down to figure out why the hell her legs were passing through Reiner rather than pushing the filthy traitor away from her when she noticed two things missing. Her two bottom legs. She couldn't suppress her scream this time.

"(Y/N)! Are you okay?!" She heard a familiar voice call. She thanked the heavens that it was Eren, and that she wasn't alone, and that he was okay.

"I-, I'm not okay, I'm missing both my legs!" she tried to speak, though it was hardly coherent over her trying to breathe and talk. The titan smoke thinned a little and she saw Eren to her right, on the same thick branch.

"What the fuck?" she exclaimed. "How do you ask me if I'm okay when you're missing both your arms?!" she proclaimed.

"Well, I've lost a limb before... They're going to grow back, you know?" he muttered. He almost looked a little happy. He was just so glad that (y/n) was okay.

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