7. A Short Goodbye

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(y/n) was having fun playing the cardgames with her friends, when Mikasa and Sasha pulled her away to talk in private. They walked as a group of three closer to the campfire, the sound of the flames making their to-be conversation incoherent for others.

"Guys? What's up?"

"Well... (y/n), we-" Mikasa started calmly, only to be interrupted by Sasha.

"We think you Like Corporal Levi and we want to know if that's true!" she said, so quickly (y/n) barely understood it.

"Wh- what?" (y/n) quickly looked over to Levi and Erwin who sat not so far away.

"Have you kissed yet? What do you guys really talk about?" Sasha pulled a nasty smirk; "Have you visited his tent... At night?"

"Sasha, shut up! You're crazy!" (y/n) said loudly as she gave Sasha a push whilst laughing and blushing. Levi looked over to her, seeing her blush and grin like an idiot, running her fingers through her hair and seeing her friends giggle behind her.

What are they up to? And what's with (y/n)'s red face? He wondered casually. He couldn't stare for long, since Erwin was speaking to him.

(y/n) tried to escape them by walking away, trying to hide her blushing face.

Blushing? Why am I blushing?! I don't have feelings for Corporal Levi! I barely know him.. She thought, but her face wouldn't stop reddening and she couldn't stop her stupid grin from forming on her lips.

Mikasa and Sasha weren't about to give up, so they dragged her back into the conversation.

"(y/n), you have to admit there's something." Mikasa said seriously.

"...Something? I guess, there's something... But it's only friend-wise. Not romantic in any sense. Besides, he's probably a lot older than I am. He wouldn't be interested in me."

"Why not? He seems to like you nice enough! And he doesn't even look that much older.." Sasha said, looking from Levi to (y/n) and back.

"Sasha has a point," Mikasa confirmed, "out of everyone here, you're the only one he talks to, you know, not just because he has to make contact with the other cadets for their report."

"True, but that all comes from my side. I always go to sit next to him, never the other way around. Besides, he won't be visiting again for a whole year. And besides that, he's told me twice now that he finds it dumb to build up relations with anyone because the other person will probably just die, anyway. And what the hell am I even talking about!? Who says I want anything with him! For all you know I could have a crush on.. I don't know, Jean or something!" He was the first to come to mind, since Levi had recently asked her if they were a thing.

There was a short silence.

"You have a crush on Jean?" Mikasa asked, dumbfounded.

"No, I don't have a crush on Jean!" She yelled, not believing they could be serious.

Sasha turned to Mikasa, ignoring (y/n) completely.

"Oh my God she has a crush on Jean." Sasha said in a low voice.

"That is just unacceptable." Mikasa said, sounding disappointed.

"I DON'T HAVE A CRUSH ON JEAN!" (y/n) said, her voice higher than ever.

Her high-pitched tune caught both Levi's and Erwin's attention.

I guess that's why she was blushing so much. She does have a crush on the Kirchstein kid. Levi thought. He didn't understand why this bothered him.

Sasha and Mikasa were discussing how not-okay it was that (y/n) had an alleged crush on Jean.

"I-, cannot even deal with this right now. I'm going for a swim." she said, but was ignored almost entirely. She rolled her eyes and headed to the lake on her own.

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