55. A New Purpose

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The following morning passed in a blur. (y/n) was still a bit on auto-pilot after everything she'd heard about Levi the previous night. 

She cringed as she recalled her conversation with Levi before bed. There's no way he didn't know something was up... she thought worriedly.

When questioning herself exactly what was up, she couldn't formulate it in her head. She didn't know what she wanted. 

I care just as much about him as before... But-, I just can't take lightly how little he trusts me with anything personal about himself...

The next two days dragged on, (y/n) and the rest just busying themselves with cooking, cleaning and training. (y/n) didn't see much of Levi both days, Hanji and him were still occupied in the cellars down below. She hadn't slept with him for a second night in a row. It would have hardly been possible anyway, Levi and Hanji had worked on well into the night the previous evening.

Despite everything that was going through (y/n)'s mind, in any case she felt bad for Levi having to spend his whole day torturing some lunatic.

That's why, on the third day she decided to make a big effort preparing a dinner that included all of his favorites. 

All day she was torn between being angry at him, and angry at herself. Should he have been more open about his past to me? Or should I have known better than to expect that Levi is serious enough about me that he'd want to share? Has he been deceiving me or have I done that myself?

Nevertheless, she felt like her hardworking Captain deserved a good meal at the end of his long day. 

"(y/n), I think the Captain and Hanji are coming up soon. Dinner ready?" Connie asked with a polite smile, setting the table. The rest of the group were spread out over the room. 

"Yeah, just finished." she replied. 

Just as (y/n) put down the last pot on the table, Levi and Hanji emerged from the staircase. Hanji looked quite shaken, whilst Levi had his usual expression, perhaps a tad more frustrated-looking than normal. They had both put on a jumper over their regular clothes, probably to hide the bloodstained attire underneath. They hadn't had time to bathe or change yet.

"Ah, (y/n), you're a godsend. After today, a good meal is all I've been able to look forward too!" Hanji thanked her, putting a hand on her shoulder. 

"Of course, Hanji. Not a problem." she replied sincerely. (y/n) took a seat, and only after she did, did Levi pick his seat. He sat down on her left. The table was crowded so they were closely next to each other. The rest of the group had already dug in. Levi eyed the food on the table, recognizing his favorites. (y/n) looked to her side at him. He caught her eye, and his glare relaxed a bit, looking grateful.

"Thanks, kid." he spoke in a low, soft voice, only (y/n) being able to hear. (y/n) gave a smile in response, but it didn't fully reach her eyes.  She turned to her plate, and began eating.

Levi softly sighed. 

He tried to convince himself that the reason (y/n) didn't come to his room last night was because it was so late and she was probably already asleep. He'd noticed her recent distant behavior instantly, since usually she was so openly affectionate to him when they were together. He'd come to depend on her eagerness to be around him, since that was the way he liked it. He hadn't anticipated that eagerness to suddenly disappear, and had no clue on how to fix it. She did however go out of her way to make his favorite dinner, he reckoned... So what's going on in that head of yours, brat... 

After dinner, Levi stayed back at the table, as the rest of the group dispersed, either going to help clean up or go hang out somewhere. He wanted to make sure that she didn't disappear off into the barracks again for the entire evening. 

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