17. Just SLEEP, brat!

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Levi had left, and (y/n) had headed off to the kitchens to start cooking. She felt a little conflicted; Levi had kissed her, which made her ecstatic, but at the same time she wouldn't see him for two weeks straight.

What a smart-ass, he is. Finally we get somewhere, and he flees away to Wall Sina. She thought, smiling a little.

"What're you smirking about?" asked Jean.

"Oh, hey Jean. Uhm-, nothing important.. Why're you here?"

"Me and some others are set to help you in the kitchen again."

"Ah good. You can get started on the soup, if you want?" she asked politely.

"Sure, I'm on it!"

As the days drew on, getting closer to the expedition, everyone's mood worsened. Everyone was angsty, jittery and easily-irritable. Eren and (y/n) were no different. Everyone knew that out of the new recruits, more than 30% didn't even make it back.

With two nights to go, the only thing keeping (y/n) sane was the thought of Levi returning. She was eating dinner with her friends, though no one was actually eating. Mostly, they were just mashing and stirring their food, mindlessly staring at their utensils.

"Can I just say..." (y/n) started, being the first to speak up the entire meal, "There is a chance that we all make it back alive. Nothing is impossible."

Jean smiled to himself slightly. Exactly this kind of attitude is why she's so special.

"You're got easy talking, (y/n)... You can transform into a titan!" Connie said, not as optimistic as Jean or (y/n).

"Hey! It's also dangerous for us because we can turn into titans! The Captain could kill us at any time, and despite being a titan, other titans still try to eat us!" Eren yelled defensively.

"Right, right, I'm sorry, okay! I'm just... scared that's all..." he apologized. (y/n) was the only who noticed Sasha grabbing a hold of Connie's hand under the table. Oh my. That's the cutest thing I've seen this entire week.

Eren apologized too. "It's okay. I've been kind of uptight lately as well... As you may have noticed.." he said.

"Hell yeah, we've noticed!" Jean yelled. "You almost crushed (y/n) this morning!" he spoke accusingly.

What he said was true. Due to Eren's nerves, his titan ability had become more frequent and even a little unstable. That morning, he had tried to reach for a glass of water to his left, where it stood on a night stand against the wall, when his titan arm appeared because he couldn't reach it. Because of this, almost half of the cellar was in pieces, mainly (y/n)'s cell.

Eren looked really shameful.

"About that... Where will I be sleeping tonight..? Seeing as I can't really sleep there anymore..." (y/n) wondered aloud, holding no grudge.

"Not sure... But I doubt they'd let you sleep with all the other soldiers.. It's still too dangerous, and mainly, that would be going headfirst against the orders we were given from higherup." Eren thought along.

"(y/n)." She heard a low voice from behind her.

"Erwin! How can I help you?" she smiled as she turned around.

"Due to obvious reasons, Eren must remain sleeping in the cellar, what's left of it, at least. For the coming two days before the expedition you'll be placed under Captain Levi's supervision, thus following our given orders. This means that until the cellar is fixed, which it will have been after the expedition, he'll be supervising you in the after-hours as well. Are you okay with that?" he asked her, sounding business-like.

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