14. Getting Drunk and Undressed

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At around 4pm (y/n) came walking down the stairs. She knew what her face must have looked like. She was in a bad mood. She wore a constant slight frown. She was pissed, not at Levi, nor anyone else but herself. Despite the fact that Levi was never... really nice to her, since he wasn't exactly lovely to anyone, he was still kind to her. Although it might not look that way from a distance.

But, the giving of blankets, the patting on the head... That seemed to be Levi's way of showing affection. How deep this affection went was impossible to predict, though (y/n) didn't expect much, which made her sadder than it should. It probably means next to nothing...

Although.... A soft optimistic voice sounded in her head, I've never seen him do that stuff to anyone but me. Not Petra, nor Hanji nor anyone else. It's something, right?

She slightly stomped her disappointed self on her way over to the kitchen, where Jean and a few others were waiting.

"(y/n)! I hear Captain Levi made you the main-chef yesterday! Nice going!" Jean said with a big, proud smile on his face.

"H- He did?" she asked.

"Yeah..? You didn't know?"

"No, I had no idea..." Great. Thanks. Make me like you even more, ass. She thought, though she knew she shouldn't be blaming Levi. He never did anything to lead her on.

"So, what are we making today?" Jean asked. He looked at her so fondly, that it made (y/n) feel just a little bit better.

(y/n) directed everyone in the kitchen very professionally. They were eventually finished at around 6 pm with all the food.

She actually had a great time with Jean and the others, her mind taken off Levi completely for a while.

They served dinner. (y/n) sat with all her friends, Sasha and Jean at her sides.

(y/n), being the head-chef, had also arranged a lot of alcohol for that night.

She could see Levi from where she sat, but she did all she could not to look at him too much.

Eventually, she was nearing her seventh cup of beer. All her friends had been drinking quite a bit too, causing everything to be very joyful and loud.

"GUYS. OH MY GOD. TRUTH OR DARE. RIGHT NOW." Said Sasha, who was on her tenth beer. Her appetite wasn't strictly for food, apparently.

Everyone agreed happily.

"Okay, okay, okay. Jean. Truth or dare?" she asked him, a stupid smile on her face.

"Dare!" he answered.

"Okay, kiss the prettiest girl you know!" Sasha exclaimed, her eyes wide with amusement. The crowd laughed and cheered him on.

He blushed, grabbed (y/n) softly by her chin, and kissed her sweetly. Everyone howled with laughter. (y/n) jokingly went along, wrapping her arms around him dramatically.

"They've sure drunk a lot, haven't they.." Petra said from the other table. Her eyes widened in surprise as she saw Jean kissing (y/n).

"I didn't know they had a thing going on.." she said, smiling. Hanji turned around to see for herself.

"HAHAAA good for her-," she started as she turned back around, but her train of thought was interrupted. She seemed to be the only one who noticed Levi, who's glare was more intense than she had seen in quite a while. He looked very pissed off, more than usually so.

"Tch-, haven't they drunk enough by now?" he muttered as he drank some of his coffee, not being able to keep his eyes off (y/n) and her friends, all cackling with laughter.

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