20. For the first time...

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She arrived at the barracks of her friends. She woke up the girls first, and then entered the boys' cabin, waking them up loudly.

"GOOD MORNIN' TO YA LADDIES! NOW, WE MIGHT DIE TOMORROW, SO LET'S HAVE FUN TODAY!" she yelled, yanking all of their blankets off.

"There's a lake nearby the castle! I figured we'd all go there together?" she proposed.

"I could go for a swim.. It's a really nice warm day, anyways.." Connie spoke, inbetween yawns.

Eren joined too, rubbing his eyes after his night in the lonesome cellar.

"Oh goodie, everyone's up. Let's go!"

As they all walked as a group through the forest, (y/n) looked around at her friends fondly. All of them were talking, smiling, all of them seemed so.. alive. She wanted to keep it that way. She begged to the universe that all of them could make it back alive. All of them, plus Levi.

They had reached the lake, and were all pleasantly surprised. The sun was shining, a soft breeze in the air, and the water was beautifully clear.

That entire day, they did nothing but hang out together. Played some games. Swam a little. Napped a little.

"You know, once all the titans are gone, this day could be like all our days." Eren spoke, as they all sat in a somewhat-circle, the sun becoming low. The entire day, people had been walking back and forth grabbing food from the castle for their little hang-out.

"Yeah, exactly!" (y/n) agreed.

"What would happen then, though.." Jean mumbled, new to the idea of a titan-free world. Eren and (y/n) exchanged glances.

"Well, Eren and I have discussed it quite a lot... But, we would all go beyond the walls together, and explore the world." (y/n) admitted.

"Yeah, we could look for other people, that may have somehow survived beyond the wall, and we could all travel..." Eren added.

"So just as a group?" Sasha interjected, liking the sound of the idea.

"Yeah! And you could hunt as much as you want, and you could teach us... I really think it would be amazing..."

Everyone was thinking of all the possibilities, and of how much fun it would be to travel the world with their best friends.

For (y/n), one thing was missing though. She couldn't imagine just, leaving, and never seeing Levi again. He'd have to come with. He just had to.

"We should get going. Wouldn't want to miss dinner." Connie spoke.

"FUCK. I WAS SUPPOSED TO MAKE DINNER." (y/n) suddenly realized as she sprinted to the castle.

With the help of her friends, she quickly whipped up a nice, fulfilling dinner, which would be the last of some.

The dining hall was quiet as everyone ate. They all enjoyed the food in silence, though their minds were obviously preoccupied with other matters and dark thoughts.

(y/n) looked over at Levi's table. Levi himself didn't seem very phased at all by the upcoming expedition. Then again, who knows how many expeditions he'd already been on... Despite his stoic, bored expression, he was more worried than he usually was. He hated, absolutely despised himself for the things he was thinking and feeling. He was genuinely worried about the expedition, because he was worried about (y/n)'s safety. It was utter bullshit. He trusted her with his life, she was, not only the second strongest soldier of humanity (after him), she was also capable of turning into a 15meter titan, harnessing the combat skills of said second strongest soldier.

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