40. Shirt

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Quite a while later, Levi finally put the two reports on the night stand. He sighed heavily.

That brat sure writes a lot... He figured. He looked to his side at her. She was lying on her side, facing him, a few inches away. She had messed up all the blankets by pulling them all towards her, and then throwing them off her again. She was practically spooning it, since she had her legs around it, one completely above the covers, as if she couldn't decide whether she was hot or cold. Her face was resting on one of her hands, her lips slightly parted. She was still wearing her uniform button-up shirt. He thought with a tiny smile that she had probably lost her sleeping-shirt once again, which would be why she sometimes borrowed one of his shirts.

It took a second for Levi to realize he was staring. He shook it off and stood up. Out of his dresser he grabbed a thin black sweater in which he sometimes slept, along with a thin pair of training pants. If he was alone, perhaps he'd just sleep bare-chested, but getting into bed half naked while (y/n) was already asleep felt odd. Besides, it was cold. The wooden walls didn't insulate very well. He undid his belt and undressed as quietly as he could.

When he looked back to the bed, he noticed (y/n) sitting up slightly, leaning with her upper back against the headboard, one leg still covered, the other with her knee in the air. She looked sleepy, but was smiling softly anyhow.

"Did I wake you? Again..." He asked in a low voice as he walked over.

"Not exactly. It got cold without you."

He looked at the clock. Almost 2am already... (y/n) should sleep.

"It's late." he muttered softly before walking to a few of the old wall-mounted chandeliers. He put them out with his fingertips. He only left one of them burning in the corner of the room. It was quite dark now, only a hue of yellow and orange from the small flames still touching the room.

He walked back to the bed, where he found (y/n) holding open the blanket for him, inviting him under. She looked mildly pleadingly.

Don't make me go back to my room... Don't make me go back to my room... She repeated in her head.

He took a deep breath.

"I should send you back to your own bed, kid." he mumbled, seeming to be debating his options. (y/n) pouted and dropped her hand. She rolled over, hiding her face in his pillow and groaned. He had a point, of course. They were playing with fire every time they did anything that could give away their new relationship.

The blanket was completely off her now, Levi noticed, as she lied on her stomach. He sighed.

"Too bad I'm a selfish man..." he added, which peaked (y/n)'s interest. She looked up from his pillow.

"I can stay?" she asked hopefully, her surprise noticeable in her high-pitched voice.

"Tch-, don't make me regret it." He spoke as he got into the bed, draping some of the soft duvet over his legs.

He had his hands folded behind his head, staring up at the ceiling, probably scrutinizing a cobweb he'd missed while cleaning. It didn't seem like he was getting into a sleeping position. (y/n) scooted over to his side, draping one leg over him. She put her right hand on his jaw, turning his head to her. Levi's gaze softened a little, finally getting out of his work-mode for the day. (y/n) smiled at him softly, and he kissed her before she could.

His right arm left the back of his head to run his fingers through her soft (h/c) (curls/strands/waves). Instead of asking this time, he softly bit her bottom lip which made her lips part, letting their tongues meet. She smiled at his boyish behavior and willingly greeted it. His other hand was respectfully residing on the side of the knee that she had draped over him. His hands were mildly rough and warm. (y/n) always found them comforting that way.

Kissing whilst lying sideways was asking too much of her already run-down body, so she pulled away. She also found the tight tugging of her shirt, which was made of sturdy material, annoying in that position. She moved on top of him, putting both her hands on his cheeks. He didn't take his eyes off her face. She leaned over and gave him a soft kiss on the lips.

"Sit up." she ordered softly as she pulled him closer by the collar of his shirt. As he was in front of her, their chests only a few inches apart, she let her hands run down from his collar to the ends of his shirt. His eyes kept studying her face.

She pulled his shirt up, softly running her hands over his torso, eventually over his head, taking it off. He looked at her with inquiring eyebrows as she held his warm shirt in her hands. His hair was disheveled, which (y/n) thought looked adorable. She grinned and ran her hands through it as she spoke.

"Don't get any ideas..." she mumbled as she fixed his hair. "I'm only stealing your shirt." She explained as she smiled deviously. "I'm tired but this one's shit to sleep in. Besides I have to wear it tomorrow." she proceeded. Levi actually chuckled, for which (y/n) was not prepared. She had to bite down on her lip to hide her huge smile. Her extremely flushed face however, she couldn't hide.

"I don't know what I expected." he added, not being able to hide his small smile as he observed her red cheeks. She laughed softly, but it was cut short when she had to yawn. She covered her face with the crumpled up black shirt she held.

He leaned back, his arms resting behind his head again. She was obviously exhausted.

She put down the shirt on his bare stomach, which was riddled with muscles and mysterious scars. Not a bad view, she reckoned.

Not at all... The low, flickering light enhanced his abs and pecs in a way that made (y/n)'s heartbeat become slightly irregular if she looked too long.

The view from his eyes was that of a gorgeous girl in her underwear, straddling his lap... Though he was far too gentlemanly to gawk or stare.

At least... he was, but she was making it impossible when, after stretching her arms up above her head, she began unbuttoning her white shirt in front of him, with a cheeky smile playing on her lips, so that she could put on the black shirt instead. Her collar was revealed, her also looking enchantingly gorgeous in the dim, orange lighting. Levi's jaw clenched after sighing when her bra came into sight.

He rolled his eyes and threw his head back, facing the ceiling, planting one hand on his forehead as he muttered something. (y/n) had already announced she was going to sleep, so he knew she was purposely riling him up. She couldn't help but laugh.

When she finally had it off, she sloppily folded her white shirt into a sort-of square and threw it at the nightstand. Levi looked to his side to see the abomination.

"You call that folding?" he muttered as he grabbed it and tossed it at her face. She scoffed and unfolded it.

"Wanna cook breakfast for yourself tomorrow?" she countered playfully. Meanwhile she pushed aside the black shirt that was still on his stomach and laid out her white one on his torso to try and do it properly. She was leaning over his chest, in her bra, as she folded the shirt, starting sleeve by sleeve.

She's still not doing it properly. Levi thought, but he appreciated her trying, he was only partially focused on her folding skills, anyway.

"There." she smiled proudly at her work as she finally put on the black shirt. She took off her bra from under the shirt.

Levi placed her 'folded' shirt on the table.

Meanwhile, (y/n)'s eyes were once again drawn to his scars. She ran her fingertips over the harsh, rough surface, looking a mixture of sad and worried, though they had long since healed. She yawned yet again. Now that the lights were out, she was getting tired even quicker. She sighed and leaned down, lying on his chest, before rolling off and lying beside him. He put his arm around her as he threw the blanket over her with the other. She huddled close to him.

She ran her fingers over his collar mindlessly as she closed her eyes.

She gave a deep sigh. "Night, Levi." she almost whispered.

He found himself staring at her face again. He brushed his hand over her head a few times as a response.

Levi fell asleep remarkably fast, almost beating (y/n) to it. 

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