13. Marco...

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That evening (y/n) made delicious tomato pasties. She was internally cheering when she saw how much Levi seemed to like them.

At dinner, everyone apologized to Eren about the way they had acted, and even bit their hand like he had done as a way to show their remorse.

Petra was the one to put them to bed that night to (y/n)'s secret disappointment. After Petra had left, Levi did come down to the cellar, though.

"Oi, here." was all he yelled as he threw (y/n) an extra blanket. "I figured you'd want this."

She caught it, a big smile on her face. "Thankyou! Levi, you're the best."

"Tch-, spare me, please." he said as he took off.

(y/n) giggled as she covered herself with the second blanket.

That's the second time he's given me a blanket. What a cutie.

Levi walked down the stairs the next morning to wake the two up.

"Hey. Get up. I'd hurry if I were you." Levi said.

"Why.... Hurry..?" she asked, still half asleep.

Levi pulled the two blankets off of her, revealing her body, and leaving her defenseless against the cold.

"YOU JERK!" She yelled as she sat up.

"At least now you're awake. The new scouts have just arrived, and I figured you'd want to see them. That's why you should hurry." he said.

"Huh? My friends are here?! WELL HURRY UP AND GET THESE CHAINS OFF!" she said excitedly. He glared at her intensely after being yelled at. (y/n)'s face looked apologetic.

He unlocked them and (y/n) stood up quickly.

"Wait, did you get up especially early so that I could catch my friends in time?" she asked.

Levi didn't reply, which meant a 'yes' in (y/n)'s mind.

"Levi, you're too sweet!" she said as she hugged him tightly.

Yup. I'm hugging the captain in my underwear.

"Tch-, just hurry. I still have to get Eren." he said.

"Right!" she said as she started sprinting towards the staircase.

"(y/n)! You better put on some pants before going out there, brat!" he yelled loudly.

She turned around, grabbed her pants off the floor near Levi, gave him a peck on the cheek, and ran towards the stairs again whilst clumsily putting on her pants as she did.

As she got outside she looked around for a short while, but quickly found a line of people all walking towards the main entrance.

Eren came running behind her.

"(y/n)! Can you see them?" he asked.

"Yeah! Follow me!"

She saw Mikasa and Armin walking next to each other.

"YOU GUYS!!!" she yelled as she jumped them from behind.

"(y/n)! Eren!" Armin said happily as he embraced them.

"(y/n)?" she heard someone from behind say.

That voice..

"Jean!? You joined?!" she asked as she turned around. They hugged each other very tightly.

"Yeah, and everyone else, too." he said with a small smile on his face. (y/n) and Eren looked behind him and saw Connie, Sasha, Reiner and the others.

Titan Beauty (Levi x Reader)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz