6. Promise

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As the day went on, some people's fish-holes started filling quite nicely. Sasha was winning, with 7 fish already in her fish-hole. This made sense, seeing as she was definitely the most driven to find fish, thanks to her enormous appetite.

(y/n) had 4, 2 of which were quite large. Jean had been stuck on 3 for hours on end. Sadly, some people had given up by noon. They were just too cold, too tired, or too afraid of swimming under water.

As (y/n) had reached the 7 fish mark by 4pm, she got up on the shore and decided to call it a day. The sun was coming through a little for the first time in days, and eventually the gravel under her bare skin got comfortable.

Levi and Erwin had been busying themselves all day writing reports on each of the cadets. They had started these reports the first time they observed the cadets, and added onto them each time they visited. Levi had the luck of writing (y/n)'s, the only cadet Erwin and Levi actually had some kind of personal relationship with. They had made conversation with the other cadets (well, mainly Erwin, somehow people tended to have short answers when talking to Levi) but that was just for the sake of the reports. Unsurprisingly, (y/n)'s pages tended to be longer than those of the others.

(y/n) woke up. It seemed to be at around 6pm, since the sun was setting. She stood up, admiring the beautiful scenery. Her backside was sore from the stones that had made marks in her skin.

Levi was still at it with his report-writing. Hard-working bastard, hm? (y/n) stretched and walked over to him and sat down beside him.

"Put away your work for a second and look at the sunset."

Levi looked up at the sky for a split second and looked back down again.

"It's fucking amazing." he said sarcastically.

(y/n) chuckled. She looked at his lap, and saw that he was writing Jean's report.

"Oh, Levi, you forgot to add 'huge wimp'." she said, pointing to the paper.

"You do have feeling for him." Levi said as he continued writing.

"No way. He's just a friend that's very easy to mess with. You and you girlfriend would do the same teasing thing sometimes, right?"

"No girlfriend."

"Right, sorry. You're old enough to have a wife." Is he? He's like, twenty-something, right? You could have a wife at 22...

He scoffed. "No wife either. Like I told you before, building up close relations is dangerous and won't end well."

"And like I told you before, I think it's weak to let titans deprive you of more than they already have."

Levi sighed and looked her in the eyes, causing her heart to falter a little.

"You make it hard for me to work."

"Then stop working for a while..." she muttered softly.

Levi was actually considering listening to the beautiful girl before him, but Shadis ruined the mood.

"(L/N)! Stop drooling over the Corporal and get your ass back to camp!"

"Great... As you command, sir!" (y/n) said as she stood up.

She left without another word.

At the large campfire, Shadis explained for a full 15 minutes that the fish that were caught were now meant to be shared, as a lesson to help your comrades in times of need.

Everyone had a good time frying their fish in the large fire.

(y/n) was about to sit down next to Sasha, joining her group as she saw Levi walking over to the campfire. He sat down on a small log that was still free. He ran his fingers through his hair, seemingly being tired. If there's one thing that's attractive, it's when a guy runs his fingers through his hair.

(y/n) sat down next to him instead.

He looked at her. "Willing to share?" he asked.

"I kind of have to."

"Really, now? Why?"

"Shadis gave us a lecture, which came down to 'sharing is caring'." she said as she handed him a fish on a stick. "You must have gone through all this shitty training as well, right?"

"Wrong. My entrance to the military wasn't very typical."

"I see. You couldn't be more vague, but I'll take it."

"Thanks. The fish is good." he said.

"It sure is."

"After this trip you won't be seeing us for a while." Levi mentioned out of the blue.

"Really? Why? How long?"

"We've now finished our assumptions and expectations of all the cadets. In just under 1 year we'll be back to check if our assumptions were correct. At that time you'll also be training with the 3DMGear and killing fake titan stand-ins. That's the type of talent we need in the scouting regiment."

"Right, of course. Can you... Promise me one stupid little thing?"

Promise? Levi thought. I don't like promising things.

"Depends on what you want promised."

"Can you and Erwin promise not to die before I get to join the scouts?" she asked softly. Levi looked at her with a charmed expression. (y/n) started blushing. "Uhm- because, it'd be profitable for me to know you big-shots and stuff. And you know, being able to see someone I know there.. And, well, yeah."

"I'll do my best." he answered.

"Thank you." she smiled appreciatory, relaxing a bit.

"I don't think we'd work together well, though." he said.

"What's that supposed to mean, jerk!" (y/n) said, laughing, yet a little offended.

"You seem like the type to not follow orders correctly."

"Oh, that. Yeah, you got a good point there." (y/n) giggled.

He did make a good point. In the end, (y/n) was very, very, stubborn. No one could stop her once she'd made up her own mind.

"If you were my subordinate I would have to force that stubbornness out of you."

"Good luck. You probably never will."

"Such a stubborn brat." he said, but he wanted to smile.

Erwin approached. "I'm glad to see you two getting along. (y/n), pardon my rudeness, but I need to speak to Levi alone."

"No problem. He's all yours." she said as she stood up for Erwin to take her place.

"Laters" (y/n) said, as she was called over by Connie to play a new card game for which they needed another player.

Erwin sat down. "You get along with her quite well, don't you, Levi?" he said calmly, not facing him.

He shrugged a little. "She's a nice kid." he said, his voice implying there was nothing significant about him and her. Erwin didn't think so, though. Levi wasn't very talkative, especially when it came to personal matters. Or, at least matters that didn't involve work, but with (y/n) he was different, even though it was hardly noticeable.

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